Chapter 13

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When someone you care about dies. It hurts. It's like tripping and falling down and down. And then you hit the bottom and the pain is excruciating. But it slowly wears away.

When someone you care about dies because of you. It's like falling and hitting the ground, but the pain never leaves. Your layered by the guilt. The guilt you feel when you tell yourself it. I killed them. They'll never go home. They'll never have children.

The saddest thing about Adrian's death, is that I told him that he'd find the perfect girl soon. But now he never will. He'll never find his true love or get married. And it was all my fault. I did it to him.


The next week was brutal. I continued to go on the tour. The boys couldn't stop playing just to comfort me, I wouldn't let them. I stayed in the hotel the entire time. When I was in the van I just stared out the window and grieved. I could barely eat. When everyone went out for lunch or dinner. I didn't go. And I felt bad for Ashton. Everyday he pleaded for me to eat. Pleaded for me to go with them, but I couldn't. And it made me feel even more guilty.

I was staring out the window of the hotel. It was completely silent other than the rain drops hitting the window and rooftop of the hotel. I watched as people walked around with an umbrella over their heads.

Everyone was out to breakfast. They wouldn't be back for another hour. My phone buzzed and I looked at it.

'Please come over :('

That was it. I put my phone in my back pocket and grabbed my bag. I grabbed one of the notebooks that the hotel provided.

Have a fun tour see you when you get back. Love you

I took one more glance around the hotel room. The ruffled blankets on the beds. The phone chargers scattered around the plug ins. I pulled my sweatshirt hood over my head and walked out. I walked down the long hallway. I looked at the elevator and saw many people in there. I'll take the stairs. I walked down six flights of the carpet stairs. I walked out the door and out into the pouring rain. I put my hands in my sweatshirt pockets and jogged across the street.

I saw a taxi and I flagged it down. They stopped next to me.
"Where ya headin'?" The man asked through the window. The smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol wafted up my nose.
"Sydney?! That's across the country!" The man said shocked.
"I know. If you can drive me to the nearest airport that'd be better." I said. He nodded and gestured for me to get in the back of the taxi. I nodded and grabbed the handle. I opened the door and threw my duffle bag inside. I sat down on the dry seat and closed the door.

"Summer!" Someone yelled. I looked out the window and saw Ashton running toward me. My eyes widened and I shook my head.
"Drive." I said.
"But this dude seems to-"
"Drive!" I yelled. The guy fumbled with his cigarette to put it in his mouth.
"Summer!" Ashton yelled again. He was getting closer. Only a few feet away.
"Hurry The Fuck Up!" I yelled. The man jumped in his seat and put the car into gear. We started moving forward, but then the large hand grabbed the edge of my window in the taxi. The taxi stopped. My breath hitched in my throat.
"Why. Are. You. Leaving?" Ashton asked panting. I looked at his face. He was dripping wet. His usual curly hair was flat to his forehead. He grey T-shirt soaked and water dripping off his nose. I shook my head. Tears brimmed my eyes.
"Please don't leave." He said. I shook my head and looked at my lap. Ashton opened the door and got in the taxi beside me.
"Take us to the nearest diner." Ashton said. The man slowly nodded and drove forward. Ashton wrapped his arms around me and pulled me toward him. I slowly leaned my head on his shoulder.


The car ride was silent. The taxi driver occasionally looked in the rearview mirror. Eventually we pulled up to a sad, empty diner. The Super Diner!
It said on the red glowing sign. Ashton thanked the driver and handed him a couple dollars. I grabbed my red double bag and we walked into the diner. It was empty. Literally empty. The only person there was a teenage girl who was sitting on the counter talking on the phone. She perked up when she saw us and muttered something into the phone. She set the phone down and walked over to us.
"Hi! I'm Kathy! How can I help you?" She chirped.
"We need a booth. A corner booth please." Ashton said.
"Of course!" She chirped. We followed her to a small round booth in the corner. It looked as if it could fit five people.
"Is there anything I can get you to drink?" She asked.
"Two teas?" Ashton said. He looked at me and I nodded. Ashton looked back at the waitress and she scribbled it down on the notepad.
"I'll bring you your menus soon." She said and walked away. I sat silently beside Ashton.

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