Giant Success

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Wallace had Major Crum's Grotein bar for the Grotein part and the Energides battery from the Sniffer 3000 for the Energides part, but he was still missing one final ingredient to complete the Quick Grow Muscle Formula. As if struggling to find the final ingredient wasn't bad enough, he couldn't even remember what that final ingredient was. But when he arrived back home at 62 West Wallaby Street, he saw the nuisance grey squirrel on the tree in 60 West Wallaby Street and he saw that he was holding a Strongium tea bag. The one he took from Wallace's kitchen earlier this morning. That was when Wallace finally remembered what he was looking for – the Strongium part.

"Boy, I forget things much worse than Dory does," Wallace said.

One day, Dory the blue tang was swimming along on the Great Barrier Reef.

"Morning, Dory," greeted her friend Marlin.

"Morning, Dory," greeted his son Nemo.

"Morning, Margin," Dory greeted. "Morning, Lame-o."

Marlin sighed. "It's Marlin and Nemo, Dory."

"Oh, sorry," Dory said. "Well, bye, Garden. Bye, Demo." Then she swam away.

Marlin just shook his head. "Dory and her short-term memory loss. What are you going to do about it?"

Wallace approached the tree with the squirrel. "Hey, you squirrel bastard! Give me my teabag back right now!"

"Wallace!" Miss Flitt snapped. "Don't you dare talk to Mr. Nutty like that!"

"Mr. Nutty?" Wallace asked.

"That's what I'm calling that squirrel you just yelled at," Miss Flitt explained.

"Poor? Innocent? This squirrel bastard?" Wallace laughed rudely. "That's very rich, Miss Flitt. In fact, that's richer than Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett Scrooge McDuck, Iron Man, Batman, Mr. Burns, Mr. Monopoly and Nicholas Cage in a billionaire's club."

"I thought Nicholas Cage wasn't rich anymore, let alone a billionaire," Mr. Nutty said.

"Shut up!" Wallace snapped at the squirrel. "What do stupid squirrels like you know?"

"Have you heard of a thing called a deal, Wallace?" Miss Flitt asked.

"No, Miss Flitt," Wallace said. "I haven't."

"It's when two people come to some sort of agreement and each person does something for the other in return."

"I don't know if that'll work."

"Well, give it a try, Wallace," Miss Flitt said.

"Fine." Wallace turned back to the tree. "What must I do to get that teabag back, Mr. Squirrel Bastard?"

Miss Flitt cleared her throat angrily.

"I mean, Mr. Nutty," Wallace said.

"Well, what are you offering?" Mr. Nutty asked.

"Well, if you give me my teabag back, I'll give you a Playstation 5," Wallace said.

"Cool! Here!" Mr. Nutty threw the teabag to Wallace. "I'll get my hole ready for that Playstation 5 now." Then he climbed up further into the tree and went into his hole.

Peter and Brian in Tampering With NatureWhere stories live. Discover now