Chapter Six:
I could feel my pulse beating loudly in my ears, blocking out all other sounds except the breath that was raggedly moving in and out of my mouth at regular, gasping intervals. In defence I began to walk backwards, my eyes trained on the gaining man. My steps were small compared to his so it didn't take him too long to reach me, and when he did I could no longer breathe.
His muscular arms wrapped tight around my naked body and pulled me up against his bare chest. I grunted at the impact and stiffened.
"Mine, all mine," he whispered in my hair and each time he said the words it felt as though he was pulling me even closer to him then I already was. "Sas vrí̱ka, ómorfi̱."
Unexpectedly my body began to shake with forceful growls being released from my throat. The guy pulled away slightly and looked down at me in worry which I used to my advantage and shoved at his chest, creating a significant amount of space between us where I had room to calm down.
"S-Stop," I puffed out, holding a hand to my chest. Behind my hand I felt the fast rhythmic beating of my heart.
Closing my eyes tightly I gritted my teeth, hoping it would support me in anyway to hold back the third transformation today. My body was worn out and I couldn't keep up. Every change felt like the energy within me was being drawn out of my body, draining me and restricting me to stay physically active afterwards.
"What's wrong, o ángelós mou?" He questioned fluently and took a step forward to approach me. I had no clue what he was saying. I had my thoughts and inner strength focused on remaining in my human self.
The creature within me was going crazy--acting unusual and like nothing I've experienced ever before first hand. It seemed stronger then past times and had a powerful pull, urging itself to take over my body and come forth to the surface.
I had my hand out in front of me, signalling the man to stay away. Fear raked through my body and my controllable thoughts were pooled with many, 'what if' scenarios.
Looking down for a split second, I took in the sight of the dry blood coating my stomach and legs which had begun to scab up and become red pieces of flake. Odd.
I felt disgusted with myself. And suddenly, I had dropped my guard; I became too occupied over my silent thoughts that I had let go of the invisible leash, holding back the raging beast and before I knew it, I was down on my hands and knees, wheezing as my body took on the discretely hurtful alteration.
My body shook furiously and pain erupted up and down my spine, causing me to jolt upwards towards the cloudless night sky.
I screamed in pain as I held onto the pressure willingly to change me back. This only endured myself into more pain and ever lasting torture, but I dug my extended claws into the dirt and welcomed such affliction.
With blurred eyesight I watched the man in front run towards me, whilst barking orders at the group behind him. His face was twisted into emotions of anger, worry and stress; and for some unknown reason, deep within I blamed myself for causing it.
The pressure thrusted forward by miles once the guy reached my trembling body. I was at the point of giving up and giving into the animal, although when the man laid a single finger on my burning skin, I had no choice, lost all control and became no more then a mere piece of thought.
As I opened my eyes, I felt the familiarity of my surroundings. I was seated on the cold ground of a bottomless pit circled with darkness.
Behind my eyes I felt a strange sting, warning me of the upcoming tears ready to begin forming. I wasn't going to cry, I had no reason to, so why was I feeling like an emotional mess. I should have been glad to finally escape the dark wrath of Dr.Delson and his blind followers but my happiness was replaced with an unsettling vibe. I think I was feeling the minor side effects of leaving a place I had spent so much of my time at, in which I had adapted to the inhumane lifestyle and wasn't ready to let it all go yet.
Subject 13
Hombres LoboLurking in the woods are creatures of the dark. Ones that blend into the crowds during daylight and stand out when the moon rises at night. Flora Hastings lived a normal human life until one night, when everything changed, and she no longer was cons...