gardevor and her trainer part 2

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Speech=translated Poke-speech

(Speech)=my thoughts

Once more, I opened my eyes as my alarm clock began to buzz. I reached out to turn it off, but suddenly Kirlia was standing over my head. Her eyes glowed blue, and the clock lifted into the air before compacting. She then opened the window and threw what was left out, before turning to me.

-I never could stand that alarm clock.- I smiled sleepily at her.

"Well, when we're traveling, you won't need to worry. I can buy another one!" She glared at me, before grinning as well.

-Good idea. You'd sleep all day if you could.- I laughed.

"So could you!" She nodded in agreement. I sat up and got out of bed as she jumped to the floor. We both headed downstairs, and I started to make some breakfast for me and Kirlia. I knew that my Dad had work, so I put some bread in the toaster. After a few minutes I held up a hand and started to count.

"Three... two... one." At one, the toast popped and I caught it, and as I held it out, my Dad barrelled down the stairs and grabbed it as he ran out the door.

"I'll see you later, I'm late again!" He shouted over his shoulder. I shut the door and grinned at Kirlia.

"Am I amazing, or what?" She just laughed at me.

After breakfast, we both got ready to leave. My bag was packed, so all I had to do was get dressed. We were ready to leave, when I stopped. I picked up Kirlia and sat her on the table.

"Kirlia, I've been thinking. Do you want a name? Or do you have one?" She swung her legs as she thought.

-A name would be nice.- I smiled at her.

"Well, I've been thinking, and how does Angela sound?" She grinned and threw herself at me in a hug.

-I love it! Angela's a perfect name!- I smiled, happy that she was happy. She sat on my shoulder, and I walked out the front door. I paused, and opened the Town Map I bought a couple of years ago.

"Let's see... the closest place with a Gym is Pewter City. Shall we go?" Angela nodded, and we began to walk. After a bit, we ended up facing a swathe of grass. I walked on, regardless to it, when a Caterpie appeared. I grinned and held up my Pokedex.


I put away the Pokedex, and grinned.

"GO, Angela!" She pushed of my shoulder and landed on the floor. I grinned.

"Use Confusion!" As usually happened, her eyes glowed and the Caterpie was picked up and flung into the ground. It struggled to its feet, but only just. I pulled a Pokeball out of my bag and threw it.

"Pokeball, go!" The ball hit the Caterpie and it was sucked inside with a red light. The ball rocked three times, before stopping. A small amount of sparks emerged from the button, and I picked up the ball. I held it in the air.

"Alright! I caught myself... a Caterpie!" I shrunk the ball and clipped it to my belt, before heading back to Viridian to quickly heal my Caterpie. While waiting at the Centre, I discussed names with Angela, and settled on two. When Caterpie was healed, I crouched down.

"Alright, Caterpie. Are you a boy or a girl?"

"Cata." Angela sighed as she realised what she had to do.

gardevoir and her trainer part 1Where stories live. Discover now