gardevoir and her trainer 4

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Angela/Kirlia-Lv.25-Confusion, Growl, Teleport

Caesar/Butterfree-Lv.11-Tackle, Poison Powder, Confusion, Stun Spore.




Speech=translated Poke-speech

(Speech)=my thoughts

I sat up and yawned, before looking over at Angela. She was curled up and gently snoozing. I gently climbed out of bed, and stepped over the pillow that Caesar was asleep on. I walked into the bathroom and washed, brushed my teeth and used the toilet, and finally entered the bedroom. I stopped as I saw Angela was already sitting up and yawning. I walked over and sat next to her, smiling nervously.

"Hey, Angela... Last night, after you fell asleep... I picked you up, and you... Well... You kinda, k-k-kissed me on the neck... and you said 'Kirl, lia kirl'. Well... Wh-what does that mean..." I trailed of awkwardly, rubbing the back of my head. Angela, meanwhile, had stopped mid-yawn and froze before letting out a small shriek.

-I said WHAT! Th-that means n-nothing! Absolutely nothing, other than... Urm... Good night, Jason! Yes, that's what I said!- She laughed slightly at the end, as I sweatdropped.

"...Alright... Well, I suppose that if it means that then I suppose I could ask Caesar what it means..."

Angela jumped at me and latched her legs around my neck and clamped her hands on my mouth.

-If you even mention this to him, then when you're asleep, I'll Psychically re-write your mind so you think you still wet the bed and WILL wet the bed. Got it?- I nodded, her body bobbing along with my head. She let me go, and dropped to the floor, before turning to me.

-I'll wake up Caesar. You get dressed in the bathroom.- I nodded dumbly, and grabbed some clothes from my bag.

I quickly dashed into the bathroom, and locked the door behind me as I began to get changed.

*Mental Note #2: When she gets angry, don't say a thing or do a thing to annoy her... or else.*

(Angela's point of view)

As soon as Jason locked the door, I settled down on my knees and clasped my hands beneath my chin and bowed my head, before I closed my eyes.

*Father, I need your help on something... 'Jason, my love...' Why the Reverse World did I SAY THAT TO HIM! I know I was asleep, but even then I've never said anything like that to him...Why, Arceus? Why am I suffering like this? Please, Father... help me through this. I cannot do this alone... Father, I beg for guidance in this matter, and Father, for the ability to see clearly through this problem... Father, I thank you for hearing this.* As I finished my prayer, I stood, and turned around-to find myself face to face with Caesar.

Gah! Caesar, don't do that! I clutched at my chest, while Caesar laughed.

Well, I didn't mean to make you jump; I saw you in prayer to Father, and I thought I would join you... I hope I didn't intrude... I could sense he was sorry, so I waved a hand in the air.

Oh, it was no worries! I don't mind, honestly! To be truthful, I enjoy any company I can have, mainly as Jason isn't a believer... But, he's a human. They have their own ideas about things. Caesar nodded solemnly.

True, true. They often consider naught but what may further their own goals... I had a Trainer before Jason, you know... He had captured my parents, but didn't want another Butterfree on his team, so left my Egg in the grass where you found me. I'd been looking around for my parents for a few weeks by the time you two found me. But, I'm glad, really... otherwise, I would never have met you two mates! I nodded, absently, before what he said fully sunk in.

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