gardevoir and her trainer 5

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Angela/Kirlia-Lv.26-Confusion, Growl, Teleport

Caesar/Butterfree-Lv.13-Tackle, Poison Powder, Confusion, Stun Spore





Speech=translated Poke-speech

(Speech)=my thoughts

I sat up with a start; for a moment I was dreaming the Arbok had got me in Mt. Moon... I sighed, and looked to my right. Wrapped in my arms was Angela, who had her arms wrapped around me. Or rather, one of her arms. The other was pulled up and she was sucking her thumb. I 'aawwed' at the image, and smiled slightly. I couldn't help but wonder what she was dreaming-and suddenly passed out, falling back onto the pillow.

I opened my eyes and looked around; for some reason, I was in a field of soft, thick grass. I laid back, thinking it was nice and soothing. Suddenly, something stood on my chest. I opened my eyes, and saw it was Angela. She glared at me.

What are you doing here, Jason? My dreams are private! I blinked several times.

"I-I'm in your dreams? But, all I did was look at you! How did I end up here, and-how...can I understand you?" Angela facepalmed.

We're in the DreamWorld, remember? Anything can happen! And you're a Psychic now! You probably bridged our limbic system and cerebrum, allowing us to share our dreams and reactions to eachothers dreams. I gave her a blank look. Angela sighed.

You joined the two parts of our brain that control dreams and bodily movement, accordingly. Now, get out of here! I was just gonna- At that point, I passed out again. I opened my eyes, and sighed. I was still holding Angela, although she was now awake and glaring at me.

-Well, thanks a lot, Jason. I was enjoying that! Why did you come into my dream anyway?- I shrugged as she pulled her thumb out of her mouth.

"Not sure. I looked at you, thought you were cute, wondered what you were dreaming, and then-bam, I'm in your mind. You dream of wide open, grassy fields?" Angela glared.

-No, but that was a response to you! I'm not normally used to people interfering in my mind!- I sighed and nodded.

"Alright. Now, let's get breakfast." Angela nodded and I placed her on my shoulder. Unfortunately, as I walked out of the room, Nurse Joy saw me.

"Hey! You shouldn't be out of your room yet! Get back in there! Shoo, Shoo!" I sweatdropped and turned around, getting back into the bed as Nurse Joy bustled in, carrying a tray with all sorts of pills on them, as well as a thermometer and a syringe. I paled.

"Now, take these, then put this in your mouth for a few minutes. Now, give me your arm." I swallowed the pills, and placed the thermometer in my mouth. Except, once Nurse Joy lifted the syringe, I stood up.y

"No, no needles!" She 'tutted' at me.

"It's not a needle it's a syringe. Now, give me your arm. I need to see if you were accidentally poisoned by the Arbok." She stepped forwards, and I jumped of the bed.

"NO! No needles, syringes or anything sharp and medical!" Angela rolled her eyes, and walked over to Nurse Joy. She faced me, and her eyes glowed blue. She smiled, and I realised I was immobilised. Angela walked over, and stabbed me in the thigh, and pulled on the plunger. I could only watch and try not to scream as she drew out some blood. She pulled it out of my leg, and grinned. She turned to Nurse Joy, and gave her my blood sample. Nurse Joy smiled.

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