gardevoir and her trainer part 9

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Angela/Kirlia-Lv.28-Confusion, Growl, Teleport

Caesar/Butterfree-Lv.17-Gust, Poison Powder, Confusion, Stun Spore

Abby/Magikarp-Lv.17-Splash, TackleEevee/Eevee-Lv.7-Tackle, Sand Attack




Speech=translated Poke-speech

(Speech)=my thoughts(Jason's POV)

I yawned, and opened my eyes, stretching my body. I sat up, smiling to myself; Eevee was settled in between me and Angela, who was curled up using the other pillow.

I reached out and gently touched Angela's shoulder, about to carefully shake her awake, when a searing blast of energy spiked my mind.

Before I could cry out I felt myself being pulled, into her mind. I opened my eyes, groaning. Slowly I sat up, until I was looking around me. I sighed, as I saw another field of grass.

"Again..?" Suddenly, a tall, purple armoured Pokémon with a tan underbelly roared as it charged past me. I cried out, but it ignored me; and its tail swung through me. I grabbed my chest, panicking, making sure I was still whole. The Pokémon threw its head back, and arms wide, crying out.

"KIIIIINGGGGGG!" I looked past it, down what I realised was a hill, leading to a forest. I gasped; the forest was burning up. Most of it had succumbed, and the few remaining trees were blackening. Suddenly, Angela threw herself into me from the side, hugging my ribs.

-J-Jason… This…This is a premonition… I'm scared…-

I gently held her, as I watched the fire spread to the grasslands. The Pokémon called again, as two similar Pokémon; not as spiky, and a light blue instead of purple with a tan underbelly, ran up to it.

"Quuuueeeeeeennn…" One of them mourned. The tone was so forlorn I almost cried; it carried notes of loss, sorrow and damnation in it. I gulped, and as I blinked, we ended up near the sea. Nothing was happening, but I did see several huts. And, out of each one, stepped a person and a Pokémon.

"Trainers..?" As I watched, two figures approached them; the same ones from my dream…

Suddenly, a piercing light hit my eyes.I sat bolt upright, breath heaving. I looked to my right to see Angela was curled up and sobbing. I gently reached out and picked her up, holding her close.

"Angela… What was that..? I saw something like that last night, but different…"

Angela slowly looked up at me, sniffing.-Jason, all Psychics can, in the right circumstances, see the future. I don't know why but you can as well… You saw something similar, right? Well… We might see a few more. These are premonitions, not predictions… a premonition can show what MIGHT happen.

Something, somewhere, at some time, can cause all that to come real.

- I gulped, as I held Angela closer."Can it be prevented?" She sniffed again, shaking her head.

-No, we can't prevent it. But, we can alter it. That fire WILL happen at one point. But we can do something, like alert a nearby Officer Jenny…

Though the fire will still occur, it won't be so bad.- I nodded slowly, before sighing."Well, it clearly isn't around here, right..? So we can relax for now.

When it happens, it happens, and we can do all we can to help prevent it. You know we can do that, Angela. So, let's calm down and grab something to eat. K?" Angela looked up at me, smiling.

gardevoir and her trainer part 1Where stories live. Discover now