gardevoir and her trainer part 11

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Angela/Gardevoir-Lv.30-Confusion, Growl, Teleport, Psychic.

Caesar/Butterfree-Lv.19-Gust, Poison Powder, Confusion, Stun Spore.

Abby/Magikarp-Lv.17-Splash, Tackle.

Eevee/Eevee-Lv.10-Tackle, Sand Attack.




translated Poke-speech

(Speech)=my thoughts

(Jason's POV)

I drew more ragged breaths into my lungs, looking down at Angela. She was cradled over my arms, her head resting on my shoulder. I pushed myself harder, looking at the Police Station down the road. I'd been sprinting for almost ten minutes, and my legs were ready to give out on me. I staggered, my feet catching on each other, before I righted and kept going.

Eevee curled up slightly, his eyes drifting closed. I looked over at Daniel as he ran up next to me, carrying Aqua. She'd fallen asleep again, resting in Daniel's arms.

"Hey, Jason. We'll make it. I promise."

I shot a glance at Daniel, before looking back at the Station."I know Dan. I get you're trying to keep me going, but I'm fine. I'll get Angela to safety. And the others can get healed. But… She's never fought that much. Never… I want her to be fine.

" I pushed myself harder than ever, my pace devouring the distance to the Station. Daniel dropped behind me, as I approached the doors. The slid open as I approached, and jumped. My feet hit the floor, and I started to slide sideways. A dust cloud peeled up behind me, as I skidded towards the main desk. I looked up, seeing Officer Jenny and my cousin standing there, shock written over their faces. I slowed to a stop in front of the desk, lungs heaving as I panted from exhaustion.

"Cousin… Need help. Angela… Exhausted self… Battling… Ran here…"

I gently placed Angela on her back on the desk. She slowly relaxed as her legs straightened out. I looked down at her, as I leaned against the desk."Jason, I'll do what I can… I promise." Cousin lifted Angela up, as I nodded. I groaned, leaning against the desk more and yawned."Damn… Waking up at midnight… Battling… Running from the Centre to here… I'm exhausted."

I yawned again, as I heard the door open behind me again. I slumped to the side, as Daniel grabbed my shoulder. I jerked to a stop as my slide down the desk's side was abruptly halted. I nodded at Daniel, sighing."

Geez, I'm not used to late nights… OR battles at this time…" Daniel nodded as he helped me to stand. Jenny came around the desk, taking my other arm and slinging it over her shoulder.

"He's exhausted, Officer. Waking at midnight and such a tense battle with running afterwards isn't good for such a new trainer."

Jenny nodded, as my eyes slowly drifted closed."I heard. He did well though; we could see the end of the fight from here. He can have a bed in one of the cells; it's the closest place with a bed. Otherwise we go knocking on doors for a spare bed, and that's not really welcome at this time of morning."

Daniel and Jenny began to help me walk, before I finally fell asleep on my feet. I didn't really know what happened after that.

(Eight hours later, Station Cell #3)

I groaned, and slowly opened my eyes. I felt tired, and over-worked. I sat up, wincing, before looking around. I was in a smallish square room, with a single barred window set near the ceiling. I looked over, seeing a solid iron door. I groaned again as I saw the door, realising where I was."I'm in jail..? Great, now I'm following the path of my dad and getting myself arrested… Just SUPER…"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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