Hestia Aidios-No Campaign Yet

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Name: Hestia Aidios

*Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 2000

Gender: Female

Looks (pictures are allowed, but no anime please):

Looks (pictures are allowed, but no anime please):

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*Species: Eladrin / Sorcerer

*Powers/abilities: Spellcasting, Darkvision, keen senses, fey ancestry, trance, proficient in longsword/shortsword/shortbow/longbow (she uses a light crossbow, two daggers and a staff), fey step (misty step), Spells-Control Flames, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Firebolt, Light, Burning Hands, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Alter Self, Scorching Ray, Counterspell

Personality: Wise, mature, maternal, intelligent, quiet, welcoming, friendly, good listener, honest, kind, caring, loving

Sexuality: Pansexual

*Clothing style/outfit:

*Clothing style/outfit:

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*Tattoos: N/A

*Piercings: N/A

*Scars: N/A

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 120 lb

Likes: Her magic, Helm, her friends, summer, sunshine, fire, protecting her friends, studying, keeping detailed notes

Dislikes: Winter, snow, cold, jerks, talking about her past, anyone hurting or threatening those she cares about

History/Quick backstory: Hestia was an orphan. She was left in front of a temple of Helm, the god of protection. So she grew up within the temple, eventually being taught by the leaders. She learned to read and write, eventually as she grew up they realized she had more talent than they thought. She had an affinity for fire so they sent her off to study further. And thus she became a sorcerer, dedicating herself to studying fire based magic.

*Family: Doesn't talk about them

*Pet(s): N/A

*Medical conditions: N/A

*Physical disabilities: N/A

*Allergies: N/A

Talents: Spellcasting, Darkvision, keen senses, fey ancestry, trance, proficient in longsword/shortsword/shortbow/longbow (she uses a light crossbow, two daggers and a staff), fey step (misty step), Spells-Control Flames, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Firebolt, Light, Burning Hands, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Alter Self, Scorching Ray, Counterspell

Flaws: Quiet, honest

Fears: Being alone (aka her friends/lover passing away and leaving her alone)

*Grade: N/A

*Occupation: Acolyte


Scenario 1:

You make it up

Scenario 2:

You make it up

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