Chapter 2

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The first monster had been easy enough. An earthworm, ironically having control of the earth element. It dug around under the ground causing tremors that shook us around as we tried to figure out our "powers". Enough of us had seen Avatar: The Last Airbender that we picked up control of our elements pretty fast. Using them was surprisingly similar to how Aang, Katara, Zuko and Toph did it. Centering ourselves with deep breaths and "bending" the elements with hand motions.

For the rest of them at least. While they almost mastered their elements and focused their energies on keeping the creepy worm away, I struggled to even summon one. I felt like Aang, trying to learn a new element. When I thought I'd finally got air summoned, water came shooting out of the earth, and when I focused on that water, it transformed into fire.

Eventually I gave up, figuring I would get it with practice and started throwing everything I had at it. Sure it was a random array of firepower, but it worked well enough.

Severin appeared again, bouncing up and down excitedly. "Hurry up! Hurry up! The next beasty is gonna be here soon!" he squealed. A red timer appeared, floating in space above their heads. I glanced up at it. It blinked once, 20:00, and started counting down.

The counter distracted those who were keeping the worm back and it reared up, flinging massive boulders that crushed more than a few people. I felt sick, watching the blood ooze out from underneath the boulders that landed.

The screaming started again, a little less than half the group turned on their heels and ran. "That's not how the game works," Severin pouted, flicking his slim wrists and sending them flying back towards the worm.

Those that he had thrown crashed into the ground in various positions, more than a few broke their necks, arms, legs. The screams were replaced by moans and shrieks of pain.

"The next person who tries to run will be fed to my beasties." Severin's voice took on a warning tone.

I backed up a few steps, trying to fight the panic rising in me. This was terrifying. One mistake and all of us could end up like that. I tried to take a few deep breaths, my heart was racing and I felt like I would pass out.

Breath Calla breath, screaming will do no good here, just focus on the fight. I doubled my efforts, using everything I could to keep the beast back. Some of the earth users turned their attention to stopping the boulders from hitting any more of us, while the others, the ones who didn't just get crippled, started pounding away at it.

"Air users pick that thing up, separate it from the earth so it can't throw things at us!" I jumped at the voice of my classmate, Eric.

Encouraged by a real command the air users grouped together, trying to lift the beast up with their combined efforts. I could see the strain on their faces. It was taking a lot out of them, but slowly the beast rose a few feet in the air.

"Higher!" someone else shouted. I didn't turn to look at who it was.

"Light that thing up!" Fireballs and lightning bolts rained down on the worm. It thrashed, emitting loud screeching noises, another sign that it wasn't normal. Earthworms didn't make noise.

"Earth users stay back! Don't give it any ammo! You too water users! Don't waste the fire! Healers start working on the wounded!"

The commands were shouted by several of the students, and everyone got to work. I hesitated, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't try and heal or I'd risk making a mistake and using the wrong element, and I couldn't attack for fear of using the wrong one.

I tried to remember how each element felt when I had accidentally summoned it. The lightness in my chest with air, the spreading warmth and cold throughout my body with fire and water. The energy of lightning, the ringing of sound. If I could just focus on those them maybe I could choose what power I used.

I tested it out, imagining burning waves of energy and raised my hand, took a deep breath and fired.

"Yes!" I shouted, when a rolling pulse of fire shot out of my hand. You got this.

I focused on that, not wanting to risk getting confused and threw everything I had at the worm. The combined fire took its toll on the beast and its skin started melting off, revealing the muscles underneath. The smell of burning flesh started spreading around the clearing and I tried not to gag.

I glanced up at the timer 5:28, they had to pick this up. I didn't want to think about what would happen if another showed up before we finished.

"We're running out of time guys! Pick up the pace!" I yelled.

Slowly but surely we were managing to defeat the creature. It withered, its cries becoming weaker with each passing minute until, eventually, they ceased altogether. We stared at the charred remains, cautiously creeping forward. It was definitely dead. Its skin and muscles were almost completely disintegrated, leaving globs of burnt flesh and ash.

I collapsed to the ground, exhausted, and some of the others followed suit. Hesitant cheers erupting from my classmates.

"Well done!" Severin squealed. He sat on top of the remains of his dead pet and applauded. "I'm impressed!" He stroked the burnt flesh almost lovingly, picking up a piece and plopping it in his mouth.

I gagged at his actions and attempted to keep my previous night's dinner down. Could he be any more disgusting?

"I wouldn't rest just yet," Severin pointed up at the timer, 0:36, "You still have eight more of my pets to go."

"But I'm a nice guy," he continued, "I don't want you all dying before the finale." He waved his hand and the timer reset to thirty minutes. "Take a little break, you've earned it! Once that counts down my flying friend will start her short journey over here. Enjoy!" With a sly smile he faded from our sight once again, taking the remains of his fallen companion with him.

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