Chapter 20

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Without warning the world suddenly lit up again and Severin, or should I say Severin's head, floated about over the pile of sand that had buried his little pet alive. "You never fail to disappoint," he purred. His head flew up a little higher and he surveyed the damages. "But it looks like only three hundred and twenty two of you made it to the finale. That's quite a body count." 

With a clap of his hands the lake disappeared, replaced with a giant, old fashioned, roman colosseum that had to be at least a mile long. Torches with "flames" of the different elements were evenly placed along the edge of the arena, giving off an ominous glow that chilled me to the core. Severin moved to the center of the arena, the rest of his body slowly materializing beneath him.

He stood in all his demonic glory, eyes flashing red in the light of the sun, his massive black wings casting shadows that were eerily creepy. He was breathtaking, but not in a good way, almost beautiful but in a horrifying sense, and, saddled underneath him, stood a magnificent and terrifying creature that I could only describe as a horse. It was so thin I could see its ribs sticking out of its unnaturally pale skin. Eight horns, four on each side, lined its flanks, another two curling up from its head. Black smoke escaped its mouth with each breath and its eyes were white as snow, no pupils in sight.

Blue flames covered its hooves, leaving a trail of ice when Severin moved it forward, its mane, black as his non-existent soul, splayed out behind them, flapping carelessly in the slight wind.

Four horses, one white, one black, one red and one pale, each bearing an immortal rider. Conquest, War, Famine, Death bringing destruction wherever they went. Their appearances signifying the coming of the end. The coming of God's Tribulation. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and he, he can only be Death.

"I thought the Four Horsemen were merely legends told to keep men following the bible," I remarked.

Severin, Death, smiled slowly and shook his head. "You'll find that many things men thought were legends were really based upon tales of truth. I have to admit though, I'm impressed you know what I am."

"You're Death. So what are you doing here? Isn't there anything better you could be using your time on?"

"It has been a long time since my services have been called for in the human world Calla, I got bored, and what better way for Death to spend his time then by bringing upon death?" He dismounted from his horse and stood leaning against its side.

"Makes sense I guess. So where's Hades?" I asked. "Isn't he supposed to follow you around?"

"Now that, I'm afraid, was merely a legend, the only creatures I have following me around are my pets that you so effectively disposed of." He held up his hand to stop my protest. "Don't fret. I can always make more pets, those ones were beginning to bore me anyway."

"So, Death, did you ever plan on actually letting any of us live?" I crossed my arms over my chest, something about seeing his true form removed some of the fear I had of him. He was no longer an unknown, he was still terrifying of course, but there was still comfort in knowing your enemy.

He laughed, long and deep, a cheerful smile still set upon his face. "My dear you haven't been listening. I always keep my word, all you have to do to go home is win, no strings attached, that has never changed."

"It's never that easy when dealing with a demon."

The grin left his face. "Even when you know what I am you still refer to me as a demon, that's not very nice Calla. I am not even remotely close to creatures as low as those. Demons are practically kittens compared to me," he snarled.

I held up my hands in surrender. "Alright alright, calm down a bit there, no offense meant."

"I find that hard to believe while you stand there accusing me of not keeping my word." He bristled slightly but there was no real anger in his voice.

"It's not going to be that easy, don't toy with us Severin. You wouldn't have set this up just for another of your pets. So what's the real end?"

"Always so impatient," he grumbled, his fun being diminished. "If you're so eager for the fun to begin then I suppose I can appease you." A sword materialized in his hand and he tossed it to me. "A final gift, and this."  Another wave of his hands and the exhaustion faded, leaving me energized. The grunts of surprise behind me told me that he had refreshed the others as well and I glanced back to see them all holding similar swords.

He raised his head to the sky and whistled and at once the stadium started to shake. I watched in horror as bodies began falling from the sidelines, landing flat on the ground then picking themselves right back up and slowly making their way towards us. Hundreds upon hundreds of them, all moving as slow as zombies, they kept coming, pouring out of the sides, sometimes landing on each other but showing no notice of it.

Severin watched his new toys with amusement before saddling his horse and riding up and out of the arena, shouting a few parting words behind him.

"Let the games begin!"

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