Chapter 6

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We stood huddled in a group, watching the wolf stalk around us with bared fangs. "Standing here won't get us anywhere," I snapped, elbowing a few nearby classmates and running out of the group.

"Come and get me furry!" I shouted, waving my arms. The wolf glanced over to me, perking up its ears and tilting its massive head. After a moment of consideration the beast charged, feet pounding on the ground, leaving a trail of scorching paw prints on the grass as it gave chase. Fuck.

I turned on my heels and ran, silently pleading for it to target someone else. Prayers unanswered it quickly caught up and I felt heat flare along my back. Whipping around, I flung my hands wildly so I was surrounded by a ball of protective water.

The wolf slid to a stop, growling loudly and assessing the threat before it. Thankfully my classmates weren't complete morons and took advantage of the distraction I had provided. The creature roared in rage and agony as water pounded on its back from the group. Forgetting about me for the time being the wolf spun around and charged at the others, plucking up a couple in its sharp fangs and burning them to a crisp. The unlucky few that got too close suffered burns from the flames surrounding it.

"Never a dull moment with you, huh Severin?" I called, getting to my feet and joining in on the assault.

"Of course not my dear." For once I didn't jump at his sudden appearance.

"Couldn't have made that aura a little smaller?"

"Where would be the fun in that? But I'll give you a hint, use your water." With a wink the demon faded from sight, returning to wherever the hell he hung out while we risked our lives against these horrendous beasts for his amusement. I pictured the guy sitting in a movie theatre with seats made of bone and buckets of bugs, covered in a light drizzle of blood for flavour, to snack on, our fights projected on the skin of a hundred humans, the real theatre experience for the local demons. The thought made me wonder how many others like Severin existed and I shuddered, hoping there weren't too many.

"Hit it you morons, its ten feet tall, how did you miss it?" Darren's voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I glanced up to see a wave of water fly over the wolf's head. Groaning at their uselessness I pitched in to help redirect the stream so it would actually be beneficial.

We managed to get most of the water to crash down on the monster and it let out an ear-piercing shriek that had me clutching my ears. The noises we had heard so far could make the world's freakiest, and loudest, haunted house. Five dollar admission, we'd make a fortune. Come here if you want to die. (Not responsible for any psychological damage. Please contact your doctor to see if death is right for you.)

The flames seemed to die down but I didn't count on that and kept on attacking, if it seems easy, something is wrong. Another snarl from the wolf and flames rose up from its pelt with a new intensity, a whirlwind of ember and ash swirled around in an angry tornado.

Again the beast ran through the largest group it could find, I watched in horror as those within a few meters of it were consumed by fire.

"Get the hell away from it!" I shrieked, attempting to protect as many as I could, forcefully dragging them away with a row of water magic.

Piles and piles of blackness littered the grass the group had been standing on, I didn't even want to think about how many had just died. Seconds and their lives were over. Oh god. I gagged at the stench that arose, a hundred burnt corpses, I didn't even want to think about it.

A flash of anger pulsed through me and I focused it on the wolf, gathering all the elements I could and launching an attack with everything I had in me in a burst of energy. A ball of magic that slammed into the side of the wolf and exploded.

I crumpled to the ground, out of strength to stand, and watched. I had gotten a direct hit and it showed. When the air finally cleared I could see a gap in the side of the beast, a clean shot. It staggered but somehow managed to keep on its feet.

"Attack!" Darren screamed. A mixed array of magic hit the weaken monster and it stumbled backwards from the force. C'mon, C'mon, I prayed that we could just finish it off.

Luck was finally on our side it seemed as the wolf fell to its knees and collapsed, evaporating into a puff of dust.

"Well, well, well," Severin murmured at my side. "Interesting play." The demon stroked his chin, contemplating on what he had just witnessed. "How exactly did you learn to do that Calla dear?"

"I don't know," I said honestly, coughing as I got a mouthful of the rancid air.

I turned my back on him for a moment so I could look at the other team. The tiger looked like it was pretty worn out, stumbling in circles, clawing at its ears. Eric's group was targeting it with sound users, using the animals sensitive hearing against it, smart idea. I was surprised it even worked.

Severin noticed my stare and grinned. "Enjoying the show?"

"Not particularly."

"Tsk tsk, so hard to please." He crouched so his mouth was level with my ear and whispered, "Maybe you just need a better view." The demon wrapped its talon-like hands around my waist and the world faded from sight.

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