Chapter 24

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Oh fuck. I turned and ran, sprinting back to the boys and stopped in my tracks as the spider was suddenly there, blocking my path, its other prey forgotten in favour of me. Fuck that thing is fast now. The beast opened its jaws wide and roared, thick lines of saliva coupled with venom dripped from its mouth and I covered my face with my arm as its rancid breath assaulted my nostrils.

I ducked to the side as it lunged, throwing up a barrier of earth to protect myself. A loud thud told me it had connected and I tossed it away, rolling swiftly to my feet and resuming my sprint. I could hear the beast thrashing around behind me and picked up my pace, running full out to the edge of the arena.

"You okay?" Darren asked when I reached them, keeling over and gasping for breath.

"For now." I took a final deep breath and turned back to the spider which was slowly walking in a circle, seemingly disoriented as it tried to pick a target. 

"Um..Calla?" Adrian's voice shook and I grudgingly took my eyes off the beast to glance at him. 

"Yeah?" He pointed upwards and I followed his aim, taking a step back upon noticing what he was refering too.

The Fallen screeched when I met its gaze, glowing red eyes boiling with rage, and dove of its perch on the side of the arena, landing heavily in the space directly in front of me and dramatically rising to its feet.

I swallowed thickly and took a step back, which it mimicked, blood running from its lips and eyes.

"Eric?" Darren's exclamation drew my attention and I looked closer at the creature, widening my eyes at the realisation. The Fallen Eric blinked once and I could almost see the dilema in its eyes. It took a step closer and growled something I couldn't make out. 

It rumbled again, clearer this time and I made out the single garbled word, "Run," before he lunged. On impulse I ducked and kicked my foot out, hearing him snarl with rage as he connected with the ground. Groaning as I realised I had dropped my sword along the way I gestured randomly to get the boys' attention. "You guys still have your swords?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the Fallen as I backed away.

A clattering near my feet answered my question and I crouched down to pick it up. Grasping the sword firmly in one hand I cautiously approached the Fallen. It hissed at my approach, bloody spittle leaving long lines down its face. "Get out of here Calla. You're going to die." His voice was so warped, so corrupted by his transformation that it was difficult to understand. He sounded more like a hissing cat than a person, although I didn't know why I expected a literal walking dead to sound human.

He took a step back and hissed, body spasming violently. From what I could tell he was fighting the instinct to attack. "Kill me, quickly, I can't fight it much longer."

 "Eric," I started, taking a step forward, sword raised slightly in case he lunged again.

"Just do it Calla, please, hurry." The desperation in his voice curtailed any hesitation and I dove forward, driving my sword into his heart. He shuddered and collapsed to the ground and I slowly drew out my sword and swung it across his neck. I watched the head fly high into the air before disintegrating before it hit the ground, a pile of dust creating a thick layer over my feet.

"I'm sorry," I murmured, taking a step back and shaking my feet to get rid of the dirt. Clutching the sword tighter in my hands I returned to Darren's side, guilt sending shivers down my spine.

"Are you okay?" He spread his arms in offering and I buried my face into his shoulder as choking sobs assaulted me. 

I felt him pat my back hesitantly and he mumbled a constant stream of "It's okay," and "Everything is going to be okay," as my tears stained into his shirt.

"Sorry," I whispered with a sniffle, pulling away after a few moments and wiping the tears from my eyes.

"It's alright, are you okay?" His voice was laced with concern but he looked utterly lost and I couldn't help but snort at the horribly confused look on his face. Which only succeeded in making him look even more lost and confused.

"I'm okay now, sorry." He must have thought I was insane, crying and then randomly laughing while tears and snot still stained my face.

"Okay then." He shook his head in confusion and shrugged, gaze darkening when he looked back at the beast, still running rampant not that far away.

"Sorry," I muttered again, wiping the snot from my face and following his gaze. Most of the Fallen had made their way down by now and were clumsily following the spider around the arena.

I clapped Darren on the back and started running back towards in. "Breaks over guys, let's do this."

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