35- family skate night! 😛

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It's packed. Music blasting from someone's speaker, the air thick with sweat, weed and the faint smell of cheap beer. The sun is relentless, but the energy? Immaculate.

Your group stuck together, unloading your gear.

You laced up your pink custom roller skates with hello kitty sticker, silly doodles and colorful drawing all on it. Mina glances down as she's tying up her pink gittlerly ones.

"Dude those are so frickin cute y/nnn" You blushed and playfully shoved her shoulder.

"Yours are cuter!!" Denki, however rolled up in a damn scooter.

Sero stared. "Dude. really?"

Denki locked the ground, making a slow circle. "What? This shits fire."

Mina snorted. "It's giving middle schooler who never grew up"

"Yeah where's your damn helmet"

Denki flipped everyone off before shooting down a ramp at full speed.

Meanwhile, you rolled onto the smooth pavement, effortlessly gliding backwards as you warmed up.

"Damnn y/n," Kirishima said."You makin it look easy."

"Because it is boi" You took off, weaving through the crowd with smooth turns, picking up speed as you hit the curve of a bowl and soared over the edge, landing clean.

Mina cheered. "Okayyy, show off!!"

Sero whistled. "You're making the rest of us look bad."

You laughed and glanced over at Baugko who was standing close, leaning against the fence, eyes scanning the park. Protective as ever.

You nudge him on the shoulder. "You actually gonna skate today, or just mean mug people?"

He rolled his eyes. "You know you're not bad for a beginner," looking you up and down.

"Really? Not bad? And I'm not no beginner nigga!!"

He scoffed. " You look like one."

"Race me."

Baugko raised his eyebrow. "You serious?"

"I know I'm faster than you."

The guys immediately started hyping it up.

"OHHHH SHITT," Sero clapped his hands. "You finna let that slide?"

"Oh yuhh, we need to see this." Mina said. She was already on instagram live, vlogging our time out. She flipped the camera to show you two in the frame.

Baugko smirked, stepping into his board. "You're gonna eat your words."

You just rolled your shoulders back, stretching a little before moving next to him.

Kiri stood at the starting point. "Aight, first to pass the bench over there wins."

You and Kat locked eyes.

"You ready?"

He licked his lips, shifting his stance. "Are you?"

Kiri counted down.


Baugko shot forward , pushing off with pure force. You took off just as fast, your rollerblades cutting smooth on the pavement.

For a second, he had the lead, his powerful strides giving him an edge.

But then you dropped low, tucked your arms and picked up speed.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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