Welcome to the witches den

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I made sure to slow down my skipping so I would be able to look at the art on the walls. I ended up getting sidetracked and found my next class and flew open the door. A big lady with black hair and 99 cent lip gloss more in her teeth then on her mouth looked startled as she stared at me along with the whole other class. I didn't see anyone I ran into but before I could look farther an annoying voice spoke up and said "Can I help you?" What's with people saying that today I thought. "AYO MY NAME IS FADE AND IM IN THIS CLASS!" Everyone looked like they just saw there grandma naked. I just stared back at them looking confused when the annoying voice spoke up again "Ah yes, you must be the new girl" the annoyed teacher said. I just stood there waiting when she finally said "Child, sit your butt down. I obliged and sat next to a girl who had blonde hair and the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. She looked up at me and smiled saying "Hi! I'm Laura its nice to meet you, I loved your entrence she said in a teasing tone. I smiled back and said " Ayo! Obviously I'm fade. She just giggled and before she could say anything else the witch lady shushed us. The rest of class went super slow and boring. When the bell rang I shot up and yelled "LAUREN WHAT CLASS U HAVE NEXT GURL!?!?!?!" She didn't looked startled or anything and she started talking about her next teacher. "I have Mr.Rivets next. He is a younger teacher and probably the nicest one here. Not giving anything away, I just looked down and I thankfully had that class with her. I walked down the hall with her and I barged through the door and screamed "MARCO!!!" My uncle looked up at me and screamed back "POLO!!" I ran up to him and jumped in his arms leaving a very confused Laura in the doorway. "OH yeah hi Laura this Is my uncle, Bobby. She still looked shocked until she finally started gushing " OMG U ARE SOOO LUCKY I WISH MY TEACHER WAS MY UNCLE!" Neither my uncle nor I looked fazed because he is used to me yelling and I am just....me. She happily Sat down and I sat next to her while the next class filled in

It's now lunch time and, Laura and I barged through the lunch room and I ran to the food line. After getting my slightly questionable lunch, I flew to a table dragging Laura behind me, looking around before I found what I was looking for. I stood up leaving a confused Laura behind May I add again... and ran over to a boy sitting all alone reading. I skipped to the "nerd" from earlier and screamed "AYO!." He shot up and darted his eyes until he looked down and spotted me. He was surprisingly tall for a nerd but anyway he stared at me with a half startled half amused expression on his face. I took his book out of his hands, doggy cornered that page slammed it as hard as I could and started t drag him back to an amused Laura. " W-w-where are y-you taking m-me?" The cute nerd stuttered. I turned around to answer but then smacked into someone. Something slimy was sliding down my chest as I looked up to see a smirking bubbles. I just lazily stared at her while her smirk slightly fell but the she said " paybacks a B" I just smirked and said " So is your mom, but I was nice enough not to say anything." Leaving a baffled bubbles behind, I continued to drag Cute nerd away and I heard laughing throughout the cafeteria. I plopped nerd boy down and looked at Laura and screamed " IM BACK!!!" "I can see that" she chuckled and looked at nerd boy, and said " And you are?" He looked fazed for a minute but snapped back to reality and said "I'm Leo. I pumped a fist and started whooping and then sat back down looking back at the two. They looked confused but to settle that I Said 'I finally learned his name because having to say "cute but tall nerdy boy" is tiring. Laura made an "o" with her mouth and nodded while going back to her food. I turned to Leo and yelled "WILL YOU SIT WITH US AGAIN TOMORROW??" He jumped before hesitantly nodding and I squealed...very loudly I might add. The rest of lunch was fine and I got Leo to talk a little. Laura offered me a hoodie which I took and I put it over my food covered shirt before dragging my two friends to my next class.....even though Leo's was on the other side of the building.

Up there I a pic Of Laura And Leo :)

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