Part 3

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"Two slick looking, middle-aged gambler types with wire rimmed spectacles came in on yesterday's stage." Tombs continued with solemn contempt.

"Pin striped suits, fancy vests, waxed mustaches and bowlers like those you see in the big cities. They set about trying to sliver off a few shares of the locals pocket change with a few card tricks. All was going well until they got called on it and a fight broke out."

Tombs rose to his feet and began to move back and forth behind his desk as he spoke; which reminded Poe of when the big man had paced by the campfire while talking strategy when they'd been on the trail of a felon.

"Now, even though they usually don't allow weapons when gambling, that hasn't seemed to stop anyone from carrying one. Hayden Cork and Miller Thompson both pulled their guns, as did each of the gamblers with shots exchanged all around. Dorsey Levin managed to duck down and watched as one gambler took bullets from both men. Apparently he then returned the favor by killing Thompson outright and wounding Cork without slowing down one bit."

Tombs stood behind his chair with both hands on the back.

"All hell broke loose after that and it became a free for all. Everyone who had a gun pulled it out and started blasting. Those that survived recalled both gamblers having been hit more than once and never having flinched because of it. Most, if not all, of them also claimed that their eyes began to glow dark red or some other godforsaken color once they'd been hit."

The sound of horses as they strained to pull a heavy wagon echoed in through the doorway while they passed the office just outside.

It was a bit unsettling to know what it was that the wagon might have carried to make such weight.

"Medusa ..." Tombs continued somberly, "... who was upstairs with a client, apparently came out when the fireworks started; wearing a flowing red dress and open bodice with a shawl. She must have startled someone by her sudden appearance at the rail as they shot her square in the chest. Damn whore then managed to fall over that rail only to collapse an otherwise perfectly good card table flat down to the ground when she landed on it; spilling chips, cards and liquor over everything."

Poe waited out his friend's pause as he pictured the scene.

"Funny thing is that apparently she didn't stay down long before she got up and started slashing people with a straight razor. Craziest thing that I've heard as of yet was when Wild Bill Davenport managed to get a straight bead on her with his pistol. She just walked up to him and batted his gun away to one side before she slit his throat without Wild Bill having made much of an effort to stop her. He just stood there and let her do it. She finished him with one swipe. Ear to ear, caused quite the gusher."

Poe almost pointed out that it wasn't all that uncommon for whores to carry razors in case of trouble - they were easy to hide and quick to use - but he also realized his friend would have known that just as he did.

"Bout that time, both gamblers and the whore Medusa must have decided to skedaddle their way out and grabbed a couple more whores for insurance. Saddled up and were on their way out by the time I showed up with my carbine."

Tombs smiled and looked strangely amused.

"Managed to get a shot off at the last of them but seems I missed and hit the whore that was sitting in front of the gambler who'd held her tight. Not long after, he left her to lie stone dead in the road once she'd fallen from the horse. It would seem that I haven't lost my touch with long guns any."

Poe didn't even try to hide his confusion. "You got her but missed him?"

"Somehow I managed to get a bullet to go around him and through her, back to front while he held her tight against him."

"That's not possible and you know it Franklin."

Tombs pointed an index finger at Poe. "I knew you'd say that. So, I did a little checking around her clothing and body. Found blood on the back of the dress near her wound that hadn't soaked through from the inside to get to where it was."

"Meaning the rider was hit as well."

"Yep, never flinched or slowed down one bit. Just let her fall to the ground as he rode off and didn't miss a beat. A whore's a whore, but g'ddamn if they're still not women folk underneath."

"Alright, what else is there that I should know about?" Poe asked reluctantly.

"Afraid I'm gonna have to show you the rest. Let's take a walk ... shall we?"

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