Part 10

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The man-bear approached the broken door and swept it quickly aside before it reached down to pull the stunned Indian whore to her feet by a pawful of hair.

With grim satisfaction, it turned and slammed her head hard and fast into what remained of the door frame several times, before it released her hair and watched her fall back to crumple and lie still at its feet.

Some cornel of Burgess that yet remained deep within the consciousness of the man-bear knew that he had won.

Beat the whore at her own g'dammed game of cat and mouse.

The man-bear was not entirely worried about the Indian's face or the damage that it had wrought; blood and broken bone would not come anywhere near to making things right for everything that she'd put it through.

No, it was not anywhere near done with her.

For its own safety, the sheathed blades from the Indian's arms and legs were the first to go before its attention turned to her buckskins, ripping them from bottom to top in one move.

He reached for the tangle of her long black hair and moved it aside as it lowered its mouth to the nape of her neck where its tongue traced a trail along her shoulder before it struck, teeth buried deep in her flesh as it held her wrapped with all four paws.

Skin ripped and blood began to fill its mouth only to run down its chin as it pulled and twisted with massive jaws held shut. Muscles tightened around her as its bulk constricted like a boa while it fed and joyfully felt bones crack and give way as her body surrendered completely and took yet more as it continued to desecrate her body as it rolled her over and pinned her to the dirt.

When it finally finished with both need and hunger, the man-bear stood upright as it held her against its massive chest before it released her and stepped back in triumph, watching as her bruised and broken body slowly fell to her knees before she collapsed onto her side, her head having landed hard against the dirt with a dull thud that satisfied it even more.

Returning to the cabin, the man-bear used the discarded clothing to wipe blood and Indian leftovers from his body, tossing them aside before he bolted from the cabin.

It ran full out as only a feral could, no longer really concerned whatsoever about anything or anyone that might have tried to pursue him now.

With the Indian whore dead and gone, by the time she was found, she'd be half eaten by any one of the many creatures that lived in the woods nearby.

The taste of her meat and skin, still thick in its mouth was enough to know that they would do the same without doubt soon enough.

Yet something else to be appreciated about nature and those that live as part of it.

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