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Disclaimer: I only own Mackenzie Taylor and her storyline, all rights go to the creators of the flash


"Hey Mack, did you hear the particle accelerator goes online tonight?" Felicity Smoak asked the brunette, clapping her hands excitedly. "The concept itself is amazing, I mean-"

"-It'll completely change the way we look at science. Flee, I get you're excited about this, but reminding me about it every 5 minutes is starting to get on my nerves. My childhood best friend is apart of the team who created the accelerator, trust me I don't think she'll be letting me forget about it either." Mackenzie smiled softly, shaking her head at a new text message from Caitlin.


M: so proud of you xx

"Right, of course. Uh, how about we go out for coffee? We can talk about something else, something completely non-science related." Felicity suggested, collecting her things as she turned expectantly to Mackenzie.

"Sure thing, let me just grab my purse. Heading to The Grind & Jolt?"

"Yep and while we are there you can fill me in on your date last night."

"Oh, it wasn't very interesting. We went out for dinner and I told him he was getting way too attached and I thought it was best to end things." Mackenzie shrugged, recalling Jackson's heartbroken reaction with a slight grimace.

"Oh, but I liked Jackson! You've been dating for a while, it's understandable why he was getting attached."

"He was a tool, Flee, you only liked him for his hair. We were never exclusive anyway, he shouldn't have been so clingy."

"You never fail to amaze me, Mack and not always in a good way. Is there even a heart inside that gorgeous body of yours?" Felicity questioned, raising her eyebrows as the two girls left Mackenzie's apartment, both blissfully unaware of what the next few hours would bring.


"I like the sad eyes, bad guys

Mouth full of white lies

Kiss me in the corridor,

But quick to tell me goodbye-"

"Hello?"Mackenzie answered groggily, hastily cutting off her ringtone which woke her up.

"Hey, Mack. It's Caitlin."

"What's up, Cait?"

"The accelerator, it-it exploded. It killed and injured so many people, Mackenzie, R-R-R-R-Ron-n-nie died. I-I just d-d-don't know what to d-d-do. I-"

"Hey, shhh. It's okay, it's alright. I've been thinking of moving for a while now, why don't I come stay with you for a bit? I can even help out at the lab if you need. I know this sucks, it really, really sucks and I'm so sorry this has happened, Cait. I love you so much and I promise I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Thank you." Caitlin mumbled back through the phone, her broken tone breaking Mackenzie's heart for the very first time and without a second of hesitation, she packed up all her belongings and headed for Central City, leaving behind a life she once would have killed for..

a/n: mack's ringtone is 'Ghost' by Halsey :)
here is the first installment of 'Heart Breaker', please please let me know what you think and also please vote and comment. thanks guys, love you!

Heart Breaker ❉ Barry Allen #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now