Your heart.

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So many nights I've watched you sleep
(I've watched you sleep)
Tried to resist but it got so deep
(got so deep)
And when you're next to me
You're still out of in my reach
But I just long for you

My soul is dark, I seized the night
(seized the night)
But you're the angel that showed me the light
(showed me the light)
And I try to be strong but I still long for you.

I look into your heart and discover myself
But I'll never be a part of your world
I need you, can't reach you, we're worlds apart
If you need me, look into your heart

You tamed the beast, I bleed for you
(I bleed for you)
You showed me love,
That's something I never knew (never knew)
I'll take the blame, my life's a shame,
But I just long for you.

Don't wait for me (don't wait for me, girl)
I'll never be (a part of your world)
But I'm in your heart forever.

A voice for my soul.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora