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      Hudson Abernathy was a junior Psychology major at Westbrook University. It was a well know fact. Hudson was basically a walking dictionary to everyone besides me -- if you needed an answer quick, you go to Hudson. She was intelligent, funny, beautiful and happened to have a love for football. She was a catch. Everyone wanted her or wanted to be her. At one point, I even wanted her. But I soon made a surprising discovery after coming home to our flat one night.

      I had been gone a whole week for Thanksgiving holiday while Hudson stayed in Westbrook I decided I'd come home one day early to surprise her and make sure she wasn't alone the whole holiday. When I entered my home I was surprised to see Hudson tongue deep in some female freshmen on my sofa.

      "Oh, my God!" I yelled, dropping Hudson's gift on the floor. They both scrambled up from the couch in an embarrassed daze, covering themselves up with the sheets I had gotten from my mother.

      "I suppose now would be a good time to tell you that I'm gay!"

     Hudson and I grew close after that, and not for perverted reasons, but because she was still in the closet and confided in me. She was a relatively closed off person to the world which put me at a disadvantage because I'm supposed to be the closed off and bitter one.

"Get off your lazy bum and help me!" Hudson demanded, using her Im-Queen-of-everything-so-listen-to-me tone. I didn't take my eyes away from the television which I imagined to make Hudson angry -- "So help me God, Harold Styles, I will call your mum." -- yes, yes she was angry. Sighing, I picked myself up off the couch and met Hudson in the kitchen where she had tons of party dresses laid out.

"For the last and final time, I am not your little girlfriend. I know zilch about fashion!"

"You're all I have so Im getting desperate. Just tell me which one says I'm-available-but-not-to-men or Im-horny-as-fück." She clasps her hands together and turns to me for hopeful eyes. I take a long moment, giving off the impression that I was actually thinking about this.

"Hmm," I raise my fingers to my lip, tugging on the bottom one. "Mhm, nope. None are speaking to me. Maybe you should stop personifying dresses and just pick."

      "You're absolutely useless. Be gone from my presence." She put on a pout, looking over all of her dresses.

      "What's all of this for anyway?"

      "A party."

      "Yeah, I gathered that. But whose?"

      "Louis', he invited pretty much the whole campus." She shrugged. "Ooh, I have that black and while checkered outfit. Ya know, the croptop and the high waisted shorts- No? Yeah, you are useless." She moans, after failing to inform which outfit she was talking about.

"Who is Louis?" I frown, ignoring her previous comment.

"What the hell, Harry! Where's your brain today? Did that cramming last night cause actual memory loss?" She gasped. Okay, first off I didn't even know this Louis guy before last night. "Louis Tomlinson. The football captain. Took us to Nationals all three years we've been here!"

Instantly, I knew who Louis was. He was the footballer who always asks me for answers on tests and I continuously decline.

"Okay, yeah, I know who you're talking about."

"Are you sure? Did you forget what football was too-"

"Alright, chill out." I put my hands up in defense as she raises her voice.

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