Three days had gone by without another word from Adrienne. I noticed she didn't show up to Linguistics and I hadn't seen her around the campus. Hudson tried convincing me that she just wasn't interested in me anymore, but I refused to give in to that assumption.Something was wrong.
And to prove my point, I sought out Zayn for some answers. He was relatively a hard person to find apparently. It was only when lunch time rolled around that I spotted him walking towards the parking lot with a black helmet in his hand. I ignored my gut instinct screaming about the mysterious cyclist yesterday and waved him down.
"Hey, Zayn!" I yelled at the top of my voice to attract his attention. He stopped walking and turned his head in my direction, seeing me walking (awkwardly speed walking) to meet him.
"Uh, Harry?" He asked, obviously confused. Which he had a good reason to be. We hadn't spoken a word to each other ever besides the party and here I was yelling to him like a maniac. I finally stood a good four feet away from him to ask him questions.
"I - Im friends with Adrienne." I stated simply, mentally hitting myself.
"Okay? Congratulations?" He muttered.
"I mean, she hasn't been in class the last few days, and-"
"She's sick." He suddenly snapped, eyes darkening. I felt my insides recoil in his sudden change in mood. I furrowed my eyebrows and opening my mouth to speak- "If you know what's good for you, you'd just leave it alone."
"But, I-"
"I have to go, bye Harry." His eyes weren't even on me but rather behind me as if he were distracted. He had the same drained pale complexion like Adrienne the last time I saw her.
"Wait, Zayn." Before I could even get anymore words out, he abruptly turned around and left me standing in the middle of the yard. "What just happened?" I whispered to myself, turning around. I only got to walk two feet before meeting the harsh stare of Liam Payne. He standing in front of the Charity fountain, just giving me a look of intimidation. He put a cigarette in his mouth and walked off.
"Harry, what's wrong?" Hudson approached my side, hooking her arm through mine.
Shifting my face to hers, I smile and shake my head. "Nothing, I'm just really confused."
"About your sexuality?" She asked in a low whisper with her head ducking down.
"Hudson! No!"
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry! So, what's got you all confused?"
"Zayn, Adrienne, and quite possibly Liam." I frown, leaving out the bit about some unknown texter trying to mess with me. Hudson nods and tugs on my arm, motioning me to walk with her.
"Did you find out why she hasn't been in school?" She questions with one of her thick eyebrows arched.
"Zayn told me she was sick." I shrug.
"Maybe you should bring her some flowers or something. That's what you usually do when you fancy someone, right?" Hudson teased making me blush and glare at her.
"I don't fancy her, Hudson. I'm concerned for her well-being."
"Whatever you say, Harry." She smirked. "Anyway. Since today is the last day of classes for the holiday, all of the juniors were invited to Louis' party."
I crinkle my nose and shake my head at her statement. "Not going."
"What? Why?" She frowned.

Girl, Interrupted • HS
ФанфикIt hurt. Watching her be hurt. Upon remembrance of my youth, all that I could recall was a void of darkness that could only be described as unrequited pain and sacrifice. I was a selfish person. I didn't care or give any consideration for...