The first few days of Holiday break I just stayed home and shopped online for gifts. That's how I wanted to spend my Holiday. Alone, in the comfort of my home, no disruptions.But no, apparently Hudson felt the need to invite every single one of her Psychology friends over to bond and make brain shaped cookies.
Somewhere along the line, I was stuck decorating with a pink frosting bag and sprinkles. Fun.
"Look alive, sunshine." Hudson smiled at me. (A/N: where are my killjoys?)
"I am alive." I murmured, putting a pathetic amount of effort into making sure the pink frosting looked even on top of the sugar cookie. Briana -I think that was her name- looked over at mine every now and again to copy my exact movements. "I'm done, can I go now?"
"There's another batch coming." The other girl smirked, cutting out even more brain shapes out of drag dough.
I heard my phone ring from across the work bench where Hudson stood. As usual, she read it out to me so I didn't have to get up and ruin her cookies.
"To Harry: Hey, can we meet? From Adrie-"
"Give me the phone." I snapped, standing up from my stool quickly. She rolled her eyes and handed me the phone with a laugh. I took off my apron and walked into my room, shutting the door behind me.
Adrienne: Hey, can we meet?
Me: Sure. Where?
I waited a few seconds before the phone vibrated in my hand again.
Adrienne: Do you know where Charity park is?
Me: Yeah, I'll meet you there?
Adrienne: at 9.
I didn't text back after that, I just looked at the time seeing it was already 8:45. I slipped on my boots and grabbed a hoodie.
"Uh, where are you going?" Poppy sassily asked, holding a cookie up.
"To meet his little girlfriend, I assume." Hudson smirked, snatching the cookie away from her. I ignored them and rushed out of the house so I could get to the park in time.
It was already dark outside because of the winter which I really liked because the night time is my favorite. It was also brisk out, and that made me stuff my hands inside my pockets for warmth.
The park was located close to the Charity fountain just outside of the campus by the antique shops. That area was attracted the most by tourists because it was the most historic. I remember the first time I went to the park. It was freshmen orientation, I was severely ridden with anxiety. I forgot to take my medication and everything seemed to move so fast. I had to get away from it so I took a walk and ended up at the park. I sat on the swings just thinking calm thoughts until a girl sat down next to me.
She was my first friend here. She also was a bit shy coming in from a high school located far away. We talked for a long time and eventually just started hanging out everyday.
I walked in the entrance of the wooden park seeing the wind move the swings eerily. I heard the creepy croak of the seesaw coming from the west end of the park.
I didn't see Adrienne anywhere.
I walked farther into the park, accidentally tripping over the sandbox.

Girl, Interrupted • HS
ФанфикIt hurt. Watching her be hurt. Upon remembrance of my youth, all that I could recall was a void of darkness that could only be described as unrequited pain and sacrifice. I was a selfish person. I didn't care or give any consideration for...