• F I V E •

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I've lived the better part of my life being simple. Nothing more, nothing less. I cleaned up after myself as a child, I never told my mum no, I ate my vegetables, I did what was asked of me, I got average marks, I did my homework, I graduated from school, and I attend college. There was nothing extraordinary about me. Being simple, I learned to stay away from loud disruptions. I chose the safe route rather than the risky one. I worried more about the realistic aspects of a situation. It was honestly a bad quality. And Louis Tomlinson made sure I knew that.

      "You're sucking the fun out of it." He scowled at me from across the field.

      "No, I'm just being realistic. The ball could fly and hit my face. And yours for that matter." I scowl back with my hands on my hips. "I don't understand this American football and I never will or want to."

      "Harry the winger. Harry the whiner." He mocked, throwing around the oddly shaped, pig skin thing. (I can't even classify it as a ball because it looks like a disformed egg). Why was this even called football? You don't even use your feet! "Just catch it!"

      "I am not participating in your stupid game. It's impractical. Can't we just play a simple game of footie?"

      "Of course, because Harry Styles is all about simple." He poked with attitude. He threw the brown thing aside and picked up a proper ball and let it drop to the ground. He thrusts his foot into the ball causing it forcefully crash into my shins unexpectedly.

      "What was that for?" I shrieked.

      "Come on, Harry! Let's play footie!" He mocked again being rude.

I don't even know why he invited me out here to play some games. Last time I checked he was still passive aggressive about me not letting him cheat off of me. I was actually surprised when he showed up at my flat with his uniform on. I suppose he could have been there to stalk Hudson.

"Why did you even invite me out here?" I grumbled, sending the ball back to him.

"To be honest, I was hoping Hudson was there. But I got you instead." He mumbled in a half shrug, rolling the ball around with his foot.

"I think you should just give it up with her." I retort for his own sake.

"Why?" He snapped.

"You're just not her type." I put politely.

"I'm everyone's type! What's wrong with me?" Louis stopped playing with the ball, genuinely surprised at the fact that someone didn't want him. "What is so wrong about me?"

You have a penis.

"She's into older guys." I lie through my teeth, fixing my beanie awkwardly. His face gets red in anger, embarrassment, I don't know. He kicks the ball in full force into the bleachers just missing my head.

"Whatever. I didn't want her anyway. I'll have to go with my back up." He trudged toward his gym bag which lay on the bench behind me. "You know the new girl, Andrea or whatever, right? Hot new American chick."

I feel my cheeks flame with anger at his comment. She was so much more than just the 'hot new American chick' everyone seems to label her as. Louis looks back at me, probably waiting for an answer.

"Her name is-" I stop, allowing him to think her name is Andrea. "Yeah, I know her."

"I think I'll ask her out. She's pretty enough. Her hair jewelry is questionable and her need to carry around a guitar is weird but that can be fixed." I feel my stomach clench in at his contempt. Nothing about her needed fixing.

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