23. Party.

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*Gerard's POV*

When we got home I stopped Sophia before entering her room so I could ask her to come to the party tonight instead of being alone.
"Sophia." I asked, "Please come to the party tonight, and before you say no which I know you will. I just don't want you to be alone all night and if you like you can stick by me all night." I pleaded,
"Gerard, I don't know. I don't want to ruin your fun by sticking around you all night." She replied looking at her feet,
"Why would you think that you would ruin my fun by being around me, personally I think your great so there's no chance that would happen." I wanted Sophia to come to the party because she seemed upset today and I don't know why,
"Gerard, you always know what to say. Fine, I'll come if it really means that much to you." She said still looking down at her feet,
"Sophia, what's up?" I asked,
"What? Nothing." She said still looking down,
"Me! So stop looking at your feet when you could look at how fab I am." She laughed and finally lifted her head,
"Okay Gerard." She said smiling,
"Go get ready, we will get food then head off. Sound good?" I asked,
"Yeah okay thanks." She said walking away into her room.

*Sophia's POV*

I sat on the floor, looking through my piles of clothes on the floor. I picked out:
A Nirvana vest shirt thing,
A grey/blue flannel shirt to go over it,
Some black skinny jeans,
And small black trainers.
Once I was ready I headed down stairs to meet Gerard and Mikey,
"Hey, you look good." Mikey said walking out of the kitchen,
"Thanks, you do too." I replied, Miley was wearing a Misfits shirt with black skinny jeans and had a beanie on. Mikey handed me a plate of waffles to eat, which I took. I sat down on the couch eating, waiting for Gerard obviously.
"Hey, you guys ready to go." Gerard asked bouncing down the stairs,
"I am," Mikey replied, I nodded in a way saying I'm ready.
"Good, let's go." Gerard shouted casually opening the door.

~At the Party~

I stood awkwardly in the corner close to Gerard who was with his Girlfriend, Ellie. It was a loud crowded place, it suddenly got even more crowded when 3 more people walked in and looked right at me.
"SOPHIA!?" One of them shouted so I could hear over all the music, it was Oli, Lynz and Juliette. A smile grew on my face as they came closer to me.
"Sophia?! Is that you?" Oli asked,
"Yeah, hi Oli." I said formally. He pulled me into a hug and Lynz dragged me outside where I could speak to the three of them better.
"Sophia! Whe..where were you?" She asked me,
"I had to move to Ohio but I'm back!" I said happily, I got a hug off each of them and we talked for a while about things that had gone on,
"Yeah, so the bands going great. But we could use you being back again. What do you say Sophia. You back in the band?" Lynz asked,
"Yeah! I would love to re join the band," I said,
"Good because we really needed you." Juliette added, Oli's phone began to ring,
"Guys we gotta go, sorry we couldn't stay any longer Sophia. See you tomorrow in school?" He asked,
"Yeah, bye." I added,
"I'll text you later, Lynz shouted walking down the street. I waved them off and walked back inside. Shit. Where did Gerard go?!

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