30. Pissed at myself

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*Gerard's POV*

After we returned home from Frank's. Me, Soph and Mikey sat in the living room with a film (Edward Scissor Hands) and a load of snacks.
"I like doing this. It should be a weekly thing we do." Mikey said.
"Yeah. I like this too. We should definitely do it every week. And maybe other days we could do it but invite the rest of the guys." I replied.
"Yeah. But this is our thing. This day every week. Just us three and any other day the guys can come round." Mikey finished. We turned out attention back to the film and it ended quickly,
"Come on the guys. Time for bed. School tomorrow." I signalled for everyone to get up,
"Great...." Sophia said quietly. We all entered our rooms and soon enough sleep pulled me in.

~The Next Morning~

I woke up earlier than everyone else in the house so I left my room and knocked on Mikey's door to wake him up then Sophia's. I slowly made my way downstairs for breakfast. I pulled out a mug and a plate. I turned on the coffee maker and put some bread in the toaster. Shortly after the toast emerged the toaster I heard light footsteps coming down the stairs. Sophia.
"Hey Soph, you sleep okay?" I asked handing her a plate with toast on. She rubbed her eyes and spoke,
"Hi Gerard. Thanks for the toast. And I slept fine thank you. How did you sleep?" She then took a bite out of a slice of crisped bread,
"Your welcome. I fell asleep straight away. Hey at break today you wanna go to the music room and do some music stuff?"
"That's good. And I don't do anything at break so why not?" I smiled at her and poured my coffee.
"I'm going to go get changed now." She said walking back out of the kitchen after putting away her plate.
"Okay. I'll shout you when we're leaving. Oh and make sure Mikey's up please."
"Sure." She walked back up the stairs. I continued to watch TV as I was already changed. After school we have band practice today. I'll see if Sophia wants so tag along.

*Sophia's POV*
I stood in front of Mikey's door and knocked loudly.
"Hey Mikey. You up yet?" I continued to knock on the door,
"..........yeah. One minuet." And just on cue Mikey opened the door.
"Hey Sophia. Err what's up?" he asked slurredly. He was still half asleep,
"Mikes go get some coffee or something and wake up its almost time for school." I told him,
He sighed, nodded and walked downstairs. I headed to my room and picked out some clothes, some black skinny jeans and a black sleeping with sirens shirt. I showered, washed my hair, straightened it and did my makeup which included concealer, eye liner and mascara. My concealer is really helpful because it manages to cover up anything from black eyes to bags under my eyes to spots. When I was finished with my morning routine of getting dressed I slowly made my way down the stairs. Voices were muffled but I could make out three voices. I sat on the stairs and pulled out my phone and sat trying to listen whilst going through social media.

*Gerard's POV*
I waited for Frank to come over he said he would come round a bit earlier to just chill for a little bit. I heard a knock on the door I walked towards it looking up the stairs I saw Mikey slowly moving around at the top of the landing,
"Mornin' Mikes." I said cheerfully, he just mumbled behind me signalling he was still half asleep. I opened the front door to a slightly miserable looking Frank with his hood up over his head and hair down over his face. I showed him in and questioned the look on his face,
"Frank. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong?" I asked quite angrily,
"Dude. I'm just.... so. fucking. pissed.at myself." He said groggily,
"Why are you so fucking pissed at yourself?" I didn't shout but I said in a sort of shouty voice,
"Because last night. Before you came over to get Sophia. We were talking at least I tried to talk to her.  And she said I fucking ruined her life. For fucks sake dude. Why do I even bother." He said quickly. I tried to reply but Mikey did instead,
"Look guys we have to sort this out later because we're kind of late." We stumbled towards the front door. I shouted up the stairs.
"Come on Sophia! Let's go!" I stood there tapping my foot a little,
"We'll be waiting in the car!" Mikey opened the door and stood waiting for us,
"Thank god. Why'd it take you guys so long?" Sophia wasn't in the house she was waiting outside.
"Jeez girl I thought you were inside." I jumped,
"Yeah I was but I got bored and decided to come outside." She replied whilst putting something silver that she was holding back into her pocket, I don't know what it was,
"Guys we better get going if we don't want a detention." Mikey always worries,
"Yeah okay." We all got into Frank's car. Him and Mikey in the front and me and Sophia in the back. We arrived at school and began to walk in, Ray ran up to us.
"Guys *breath* guys." Jeez Ray calm down,
"What's wrong Ray?" Frank asked,
"It's great but it's also bad."
"What is it Ray?" Mikey asked,
"Sam's 'important papers' that he keeps so he can blackmail people were found in a bin on fire this morning. He's got a few suspect to who it was. He's really angry but personally I think this is great because no one can get blackmailed anymore." Ray explained,
"So who does he think it was?" Frank asked,
"I've heard a few things and it's like a group of these freshmen kids two different girls in our year and then there's this other girl......." For fuck sakes, if it whoever it was when Sam finds out he will straight up kill them,
"Well 'they' better hope he doesn't fine out its them, whoever did it is gonna get killed." I added,
"I know dude..." Ray knew something else. I could tell. The bell rang and we split off to go to our classes, Frank went to music practice, me and Ray went to Geography and Sophia and Mikey went to Math. I was walking down the corridor with Ray when I stopped him.
"Ray, who did he pick. I know you know." I picked,
"The other girl we know her...." He said,
"And she is?......"I asked again,
"What why? Why Sophia? Why would he even suspect Sophia?"
"Because A) Sam fucking hates her B) Sam and a number of people have seen her just walking around with a lighter a flame and C) she is hated by Sam again and she hates him back just as much." He snapped a bit like it was obvious,
"Ray she doesn't even smoke why would she have a lighter. And I was only asking you no need to snap." I told him. He sighed and we walked into Geography.

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