26. Dialogue

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(AUTHORS NOTE) There will be a lot of dialogue in this chapter, personally I prefer a lot of dialogue but oh well. Enjoy!

*Gerard's POV*

Getting that text from Frank gave me every bit of life I had just lost. Sophia. She was okay. I don't know why but I have the need to take care of her like a brother. I will do so. When I picked up Frank and Sophia I quickly text Mikey and Ray to tell them Frank had found her. I knew when we got back to the house every one would want to know what happened but I've decided that I'm just going to take Sophia back upstairs and talk for a while. We entered the house. Frank walked over to the couch and sat down with Ray. Mikey was in the kitchen making coffee probably, I walked upstairs with Sophia and entered her room. She placed her bag on the floor emptying the contents as she did so. I don't think she's going to try run away again,
"Sophia?" I need to know why she left,
"Hmm?" She asked not looking up,
"Why did you leave, you can tell me."
"I know I can tell you Gerard, I trust you. I won't leave again." She is always so formal,
"Good but you didn't answer my question,"
She sighed "I left because I felt like I was being a bitch, who is so needy and everyone has to constantly look out for because she can't deal with things herself. And I also feel like people....are just using me or ignoring me and things. I thought maybe if I ran away. Out of town. Maybe make my way back to Ohio. I thought you guys could have your good life back. Before I came back. That life." She looked and sounded angry then depressed whilst saying all these things,
"Your not a needy bitch Sophia and we look out for each other all the time, which people are making you feel like this? None of us have been ignoring you at least I haven't noticed, Sophia there is no way I would.. We would ever let you go back to Ohio on your own, where you said your mother hates you, our lives weren't great before you came, this is the most that has happened to us in a while." I explained,
"Thanks Gerard, you always know what to say. But I don't want you to feel like it's necessary to give me loads of attention and things because I'm awkward like that if you haven't noticed already." She still didn't answer a few of my questions,
"Sophia, what people have been making you feel bad?" I asked,
"I..it doesn't matter, I'm fine now." She smiled "see?" She asked smiling towards me, I saw right through this lie,
"Sophia! Tell me who." I demanded,
"I.. I don't think th..they do it deliberately or if they even know they're d..doing it but I just feel like it's happening."
"Okay, who?" I asked for the third time,
"F...f.." Before she could finish her sentence Ray came bursting into the room to see Sophia.
"Oh thank fucking god your okay..." He trailed off. Who was she going to say? She said the letter F.
"Hey, Gerard. Do you think you could help me with something?" Ray asked. For fucks sake Ray I'm busy,
"Ray, I'm a bit busy. I'm having a conversation here."
"No it's fine Gerard. Sure Ray, he can help you." Sophia stopped me from arguing by pushing us both out of the room.

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