Chapter Two - Elora Anthony

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Elora Anthony:

A bad boy can be very good for a girl.” ― Melissa de la Cruz, Girl Stays in the Picture


“There’s only one hour before she comes home! Guys get that banner up,” Elora yelled to the boys who were lounging around talking, completely oblivious to Elora “LIKE NOW!” she shouted. Fortunately, this got their attention. “Can this day get any faster?”  Elora thought to herself. Tiffany was due to arrive from the airport any minute now and there was so much to do. This was even harder than setting up the school formal.

“No pain, No gain,” She whispered her family motto to herself. It was true, if this wasn’t perfect, Tiffany would just walk though the party and into Elora’s room without any recognition of the party. However if it was perfect, Tiffany would treat her. She hurried into her family room and reached out to grab the present they all got Tiffany. As she did so, she accidentally knocked down her mother’s favourite glass vase, it smashed onto the perfectly vacuumed carpet into thousands of pieces .

“Oh crap,” Elora cursed as she dropped into the floor and stared at her grandma’s - now broken, gift to her mother. Her mother would kill her, then ask her to write an apology letter to her Grandmother Josephine, and knowing her grandmother, she knew she was not a favourite.

“Elora, where are you?” a soft voice muttered, “I’m not sure whether Tiffany would like Jasmines or Petunias? And I thought I was her favourite flower,”

“I’m in here,” Elora whispered still staring at the million of broken glass that looked like stars against the dark maroon carpet. Lilly walked into the lounge sniffing bunch of flowers, “The jasmines smell nicer though-” she looked at Elora sitting on the ground and ran up to her, “El, what’s wrong?” she shook Elora gently. Elora gestured at the broken glass.

“This. My mother going to murder me,” Lilly look at the broken glass that laid in front of her, “C’mon, let’s get the vacuum cleaner, there’s nothing to do but to concentrate on the party,” she helped Elora up off the ground and they walked out of the room.

“Elora, breathe in and out” Elora whispered to herself. It was just a vase, right? It’s not like her mother would care. Oh who was she trying to kid, she might as well be in her grave. But now she needed to focus, she’d worry about it later. She patrolled around her house with her observant eye, everything looked flawless and the only thing was missing was Tiffany herself. “I better go clean up the mess I made,” she said to Lilly and she rushed back into the lounge room.

As soon as Elora entered the room, she noticed the glass was gone, and instead of any empty shelf, there laid an exact replica of the vase. She stumbled towards the vase and picked it up.

“Lilly,” she gasped. But that was not possible, Lilly was by her side the whole time and she just left her in the kitchen. She turned over the vase and gasped. She placed the vase back on the shelf and read the note and dropped it as if it was spider.

I see everything remember. Even those weird cravings.

- Xo

That was not possible, only Tiffany knew about that... Tiffany and one other. Elora looked around the room once more, but nobody was there. She stuffed the note into the pocket of her jumpsuit and rambled back into the main room.

“Dawn,” she called out to her friend who was trying to put the stereo together.

“Uh-huh,” Dawn replied, her eyebrows scrunched together in concentration,

“Have you seen Andrew?”

“Bad boy Andrew? Why do you want him” she asked without taking her eyes of the stereo.

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