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Eighteen Horus and multi stops later Cassie finally arrived at Honolulu airport.

Cass was on her crutches trying to get her luggage. She failed miserably, and she ended up falling on her face. No one made a move to help her.

"Wow don't help me. I'm just trying to see if gravity's in check!" She said loudly.

Still nobody made a move to help her.

"Do you need some help there m'lady?" an Irish accent that she could recognize from anywhere called.

"I would gladly appreciate it my kind sir. Since no one in this establishment has enough manners to help a damsel in distress!" She yelled making people look at her weirdly.

'People these days!' she thought.

Niall helped her up and set her straight. They stared straight at each other before they yelled out.


They both laughed while they hugged each other.

"Don't worry my princess, we'll ride away the night into the sunset! Take my hand!" Niall kept the act up.

"Wait if we're going to ride the night away, won't the sunset have already past?" Cassie asked confused.

"Don't question it. It sounds romantic! Just jump!" Niall laughed.

He made her jump so she was on his back. Got her luggage in one hand, and her crutches in he other.

"Damn Niall have you been working out?" Cassie asked getting her arms wrapped around Niall's neck securely so she wasn't choking him.

"I told you these guns could handle anything," Niall said making Cassie laugh. "Plus you pack light."

That made Cassie laugh more, making her head go back.

"I bet people got a good show back there," Cassie said resting her head on Niall's back.

"Yup, though they don't deserve one! I can't believe nobody tried to help you!" Niall said annoyed.

"I know right! How dare they ignore this beautiful princess!" she said seriously.

"Especially my princess!" Niall said still a bit annoyed.

"No matter, my knight in shiny armor came just in time!" she said making his frown turn into a smile.

They walked through the doors, a pair of men surrounding them.

"Are there fans outside?" Cassie asked.

"There were a couple when I got off. The guys are waiting in the van," Niall explained.

Screaming was all you heard as they made their way to the van.

"Niall you need to go get your vision checked because this is not a couple," Cassie said.

'Niall! Cassie! We love you!"

'We ship NASSIE!" 



The fans chanted slowly faded as they climbed into the van and closed the door.

"Well don't you two have some fans?!" Louis said adding, "NASSIE!" in a girls voice.

"What the hell is Nassie?" Cassie asked confused.

"It's your guys ship name," Harry said.

"We have a ship?" Cassie asked even more confused.

White Chocolate Mocha (Niall fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now