Breakfast and the Zoo

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“Honey, Wake up,” Cassie heard from under her blanket.

 “Come on Cassie wake up! It’s time to go out,” she heard again.

Then she felt someone start tracing patterns on her leg. She immediately shot up and started flinging her arms all over the place.

“Don’t touch me again, or I will kill you,” Cassie said with a serious voice.

“Woah, remind me not to wake you up ‘miss grumpy’,” Niall said putting his hands up in surrender, smiling.

‘Why is he always smiling?’ Cassie thought.

Then Cassie realized that Niall was in her room.

Her eyes got wide, “How in the world did you get in my room?? I locked it last night.”

“Yeah you locked it, but your father called me this morning to meet him in the lobby, and he gave me your key. He said that you had giving it to him just in case you didn’t wake up on time,” Niall said.

“That bastered! I never told him that, he just wants to be good on James’s side. He thinks that if I go out with you that this deal will be the best one he’s ever had,” Cassie explained, feeling like she had just crushed Niall’s heart.

“So if you hadn’t told me that your dad was making you do this, you would have listened to him?” he asked with a really down looking face.

‘This guy probably doesn’t get rejected often,’ Cassie thought looking at Niall.

“Ok, I never listen to my father, but his client was there and if I had embarrassed him in front of him, he would have sent me back to the States,” Cassie explained.

“I would never play with your feelings, but to tell you the truth I am not interested in a relationship right now. You seem like a nice guy, you know once you get through all your cockiness,” she said trying to let him down easy.

‘Hopefully he’ll just leave me alone,’ she thought as she saw Niall look like he was deep in thought.

“Ok,” Niall said.

“Ok what?” Cassie asked confused.

“Ok, you don’t have to go out with me, but I still want to be friends with you. Though I promise you by the end of this you’re going to want to be with me,” he said chuckling to himself.

“Don’t be full of yourself!” Cassie said flinging a pillow in his direction. “I’m going to go take a shower, don’t make a mess.”

“Yes ma’am,” he said jumping onto the bed and closing his eyes.

Cassie rolled her eyes and head towards the restroom.

‘What is wrong with this kid? He doesn’t know when to take a hint, but it does involve free food,’ Cassie thought shrugging her shoulders.

After she had gotten ready she headed out of the bathroom to a sleeping Niall, all curled up, hugging a pillow.

Cassie smiled.

‘Time for revenge.’

She walked up to him and whispered, “Niall.”

All that came from him was, “Hmmmm.”

Niall, you want me?” she whispered.

Niall smiled and nodded his head saying, “Hmmmhm.”

Do you want to kiss me?” she whispered trying to hold in her laughter.

“Yes,” Niall breathed out.

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