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Cassie walked around the nearby park, until her father called her and asked her to have dinner with him and a client of his. She couldn't say no because then she would be sent home where it would just be her, alone.

She of course got a text from her father saying to dress nice.


She got ready putting on a simple pencil skirt and a nice long white sleeve shirt and of course her black heels.  She walked out of the room trying to fix her black curls that hung loosely around her shoulders. Her father would have a fit if they weren't tamed enough.

Once the elevator had dinged on to the first floor she saw her father in his business suit on the phone. What else was new?

'Let's see how this night goes,' Cassie thought to herself walking over to her father.

"You're late," he said simply, fast walking into the black car waiting outside.

"I'm sorry I was trying to look presentable for my father," Cassie snarled back.

Her father looked her up and down and gave her a distasteful look.

'Well you didn't exactly give me a dress code to follow, now did you old man?'  Cassie thought rolling her eyes and turning to look at the window.

"When we get there all you're going to do is introduce yourself and not talk unless spoken to. Understand?" he asked.

She just nodded.           

"Who's your client?" Cassie asked.

"An Executive of one of the best recording studios," he said while typing something onto his phone.

They arrived in front of a fancy looking restaurant. Getting out, her father led them inside to the far back.

"Hello there James how are you?" her father asked with a big smile, holding out his hand to shake with his client.

"Hello to you Mark, and who might this young beautiful lady be?" the man James asked. He looked her up and down.

'What a perv,' Cassie thought, putting on a big fake smile.

"Hello Sir I am Cassie Daniels," she said shaking the old pervert's hand.

Thirty minutes into the dinner Cassie couldn't take it anymore and excused herself to go to the bathroom.

"Look at those legs!" Cassie heard someone 'try' to whisper.

"Those legs look familiar," someone else said.

"How can you recognize legs?" another voice said.

Cassie rolled her eyes and walked into the ladies room.

Once she got out she started walking back to the table where her father was with his client. She was about to turn the corner when she bumped into somebody's chest.

"Oy!" Cassie let out, falling back on to her butt.

"I am so sorry! Here let me help you," the stranger said. His voice sound awfully familiar to her.

"Wait I know that voice," Cassie said getting up herself.

"Hey Honey," Niall said smiling like a kid in a candy store.

"Hey 'Boo'," Cassie said with no emotion.

"Didn't think I would ever see you again," he said staring at her.

"Yeah well neither did I. Now excuse me can you let me through?" Cassie asked with as much sweetness that her voice could have.

"Why don't you come on over to my table?" he said not moving.

"No I am having dinner with my father, now move," Cassie said trying to push past Niall.

"Oh your father! Can I meet him?" he asked moving aside and starting to follow her.

"No you will not meet my father now get lost," Cassie snarled at him; though he just kept following her with a smile.

They reached the table and just as she was walking up to her chair, her father asked her, "Cassie who is your friend?"

Cassie looked at Niall with a face before saying," This is Niall," through gritted teeth.

"Niall what are you doing here?" James asked with a smile.

"Hi Mr. Hails! How are you doing?" Niall said taking a seat next to Cassie, putting an arm around her chair.

"I'm here with one of our newest partners, Mr. Daniels. Mark this is Niall Horan. He records with us and the rest of the boy band," James said to Cassie's father who had an uninterested face. "They're one of the best clients we have at the record label," he added making Mr. Daniel's face change.

"Hello Mr. Daniels, pleasure to meet you," Niall said shaking his hand.

"Are you and Cassie going out?" Mr. Daniels asked now interested in the topic.

"No we -," Cassie tried to say before being interrupted by Niall.

"Well I did ask Cassie out this morning, but she said no," Niall said with a sad face.

'That little! Don't you dare make me look bad!' Cassie thought, thinking of ways she could kill him.

Her father gave her a look that could murder anyone and said, "Why don't you go out with him Cassie? He looks like a nice boy."

"Oh father, bu-"Cassie tried to say before being rudely interrupted again, this time by her father.

"No nonsense, take her out tomorrow Niall. I give you my blessings," her father said smiling at Niall who had gone from sad puppy to looking like a clown. His smile getting bigger each second.

"Why thank you sir! I'll pick you up tomorrow for breakfast, we can go out the whole day!" Niall said getting up shaking her father's hand and kissing her on the check before running off to wherever he had come from. 

"How nice, young love!" James said smiling at her father. "Well I think it is time to retire for the night, Mark. Hope to see you tomorrow at the office to sign those contracts?" he asked.

"Sure will James! Thank you for the dinner," Mr. Daniels said.

"Goodbye Sir," Cassie said with a fake smile.

Arriving at the hotel her father didn't say anything about the dinner.

"Father I do not want to go out with that idiot!" Cassie said loud enough for him to hear.

"Well, you are because James will be one of my biggest clients yet, and I don't want to hear from him that you broke that boy's heart," he said before going into the elevator. Leaving her behind in the lobby, alone.

It was done, she couldn't fight back. Not without him getting mad and sending her home.

She went to her room getting ready for bed before she got a text.

New Message: unknown

Wear something casual. See you in the morning xx

She didn't recognize the number, but had a huge guess that it involved her 'boo'.

"Tomorrow is going to be a long day," Cassie said to herself turning off the side lamp.

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