Chapter two

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I wake up at around seven A.M. I go downstairs to see my mom has already left for work. I go upstairs to check on the kids.

I go into Aiden's room to see him and Isabella sitting on the ground in their pajamas. "Morning guys" I exclaim and both of them look up.

"Good morning" they both day with smiles planted on their faces.

"Are you two hungry?" I ask then.

"Yes" they both reply.

"Okay, I'll make breakfast then" I exclaim as I walk out and go into Kayla's room, she's sitting at her desk drawing.

"Hey, you ready for some breakfast?" I ask her.

"Yeah" she simply replies, as she has her full concentration direction to her drawing. I smile and go downstairs and start breakfast.

I make bacon, eggs and toast. After making the food I cal my siblings down so we can eat. We eat and make small talk. I tell the kids to go upstairs and get ready for the day so we can l go play at the park and have a fun day. I clean the kitchen up then decide to go get ready.

I go into the bathroom and hop in the shower. I wash my hair and body and I shave too. After all that I get out and wraps towel tightly around my body. I go into my room and turn my music on. I get changed into a pair of black tights, blue jean short shorts, a black Black Veil Brides tee, and black ankle socks.

I go into my bathroom and dry my fiery orange hair with my blow dryer. I then straighten it and put it up in a high, messy pony tail. After that I do my makeup and clean my room. By now a couple of hours has passed since breakfast so I go ask my siblings if they're ready for lunch.

They all say that they are so am go downstairs and make us all some lunch. After lunch I brush my teeth then look myself over once more in the mirror. After being satisfied with how I look I grab my shoulder bag and put my drawing stuff, book, wallet, extra makeup stuff, etc.

After getting everything together me and my siblings go to the front hall to get ready. I put my converse on and slip into my leather jacket. Once we're all ready we head leave the house and go to the park.

Once we get there the kids run off into the park and I decide to sit in the grass. I put a headphone in and take out my drawing book. I start to draw some sort of horror drawing. As I'm working on the letters someone tazers me with their fingers making me jump and draw a line out of place.

I turn around and see Jorel standing there, laughing. He sits down beside me and I lightly hit his chest. "You are so lucky I was doing that in pencil you ass" I say as I erase the mistake I made.

"Well hello to you too" he jokes and I just shake my head at him, with a smile on my face. "So, Phoenix, how was your night?" Jorel asks in a casual type voice.

"My night was just fine, how was yours?" I ask back in the same tone.

"It was swell" he replies, we both burst out in laughter. 

~A couple of hours later~ 

"Yeah it was-" Jorel says but is cut off by my stomach growling. We both look at my stomach and laugh. "Someone's hungry" Jorel laughs.

"Yeah, I guess I am" I smile.

"Well, why don't we get the kids together and then we can go get some dinner?" He offers and I smile,

"That's a good idea" I reply. We gather up the kids and we all walk to a restaurant just down the street. When we get there we all sit down. Jorel and I across from each other, Aiden and Kayla are sitting across from each other and Ava and Isabella are sitting across from each other. 

After eating we decide to go get some ice cream. By the time we finish eating and getting ice cream it's dark out. So Jorel walks us all back to my house. "Phoenix can I show Ava my room?" Isabella asks me, I look over at Jorel.

"Please Uncle J, you'd be the best Uncle in the world, please, please, please?" Ava begs Jorel, he looks at me with a smile on my face, we both slightly nod at each other. 

"Alright" we both say. The two of them run inside and go up to Isabella's room. The rest of us walk into the house, Kayla and Aiden go up to their rooms and Jorel and I go into my living room.

"So I take it your mom isn't home" Jorel states. 

"No, not yet, she won't be home for another hour or so" I reply back.

"Do I get to see your room?" Jorel says, flirting. We've been flirting a little bit with each other all day. I know it's only been two days, but I have a crush on him.

"No, not yet" I tease back. 

"Not yet, that means that eventually I will" he winks.

"Maybe" I state with a teasing smile, making him chuckle slightly.

"How about you give me your number and we can hang out again, just the two of us this time" he says.

"Alright" I reply back and we exchange cell numbers. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes, and he stared back into mine. It's like we were caught in a trance, we both moved in closer. Ava and Isabella came down the stairs, breaking mine and Jorel's trance.

"Can we have a sleep over?" Isabella asks,

"Please, please, please?" Ava says to Jorel tugging on his plaid shirt.

"No girls, not tonight, maybe another night." Jorel replies and both girls sigh sadly. "Alright, we better get going. It's getting late and you need to get to bed." Jorel says to Ava.

"Okay" she sadly remarks.

"Go get your shoes and jacket on" he tells her and Ava goes over to get ready.

"And you, go up and get ready for bed please" I say to Isabella and she nods. She says bye to Ava then goes upstairs.

"Well, have a good night" Jorel says and kisses my cheek. I blush slightly and look down.

"You too" I reply as I walk him to the door. After Jorel leaves I get the younger ones into bed then lay down and go to bed myself, wow, what a day.


A/N: Hey guys, so I hoped you like this chapter, sorry for the wait. I would like to point out that Ava is supposed to be Jorel's sister's daughter and NOT Johnny's daughter. 

~Becky |08 27'15|

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