period cramps

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You were laying bed with Harry, talking about endless topics. After a while you started feeling a painin your lower abdomen. You don't think Harry realized because he was still talking.

"- and I was like-" you didn't let him finish your sentence before you stood up and rushed to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom you figured that it was just ypur period, but you didn't have any tampons with you and your pants where stained with your problem.

"Harry?' you called out. You didn't hear anything on the other side of the door soyou just figured he didn'thear you. and you called out to him 3 more times. 15 minutes later you heard a knock onthe bathroom door.

"Babe, open up." you hesitated at first but then opened the door and a hand stuck out to you with a box of tampons.

"Thanks." you blushed finding it embarassing that he probably knew before you.

When done with your business you waled into the bedroom to find Harry taking the sheets off the bed.

"What are you doing?" you asked.

"Umm, the sheets were a little dirty.' he replied, smugly. Your face felthot as your cheeks were tinted pink from embarassment.

"Why are you blushing?' he asked.

"That's really embarassing." he chuckled before saying,"Honey, you better get used to my teasing because you are gonna be by my side forever." he walked towards you catching you in a warm embrace.

Your heart fluttered at his word. He said that in his wedding vows, you thought. You tilted your head up and crashed your lips to his. He responded immediatley kissing you passionately.

He pushed down on the bed and hovered over you. he put some of his weeight onto you and you winced in pain as he put too much weight on your lower abdomen.

He quickly sat up eyes wide in horror, lips trembling. " Did I hurt you?" he stammered. You didn't answer himand he took it as a yes quickly climbing off the bedand pacing around the room.

"Babe, what's wrong?" you questioned concern written all over youur face.

"I vowed to never hurt you, andd I broke that promise, Babe i am so sorry" he stopped pacing and it looked like he was about to cry.

you chuckled at his concern and he looked at you like if you were crazy, which younwouldnt blame him.

"Babe, it's okay its just that I would prefer for younot tosit on my stomach' you reassured him.. His face flushed red from embarassment before he walked out of the roomand not seconds later walked in with a heating pad. he was quick to plug it in an place it over your stomach. He quietly layed next to you and cuddled closer to you.

The whole night he whispered sweet nothings into your ear whispering howmuch he loves you and how much you mean to him.

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