Truly, Madly, Deeply

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Junior year of high school had got to be the most stressful year of school ever. But I mean what year isn't. I walked to my last class of the day, Art I. I go sit in my assigned seat, next to my new friend. as soon as second semester started Mrs. Baker moved him there. He was cute, to say the least. He wore glasses, had buff arms, and was thick as heck. Not that I would check or anything.

His name was Harry, I remember him from Spanish, had him for two years in a row, but we never really talked. Until this year, he was cute, smart and a total sweetheart. He wore mostly plain colored shirts. my favorite would be when he wore black, white or grey. Although, he looked good in anything, he could be wearing a darn clown suit and I would still be drooling.

Since second semester had started at the beginning of January, after Christmas break. Harry and I had, I guess you could say, become somewhat good friends. Though we would only talk during art, because it was the only class I had him in. it was usually him making jokes about my drawing, and poking fun at me for getting frustrated when my sketch wouldn't come out right. For the most part, I would just laugh, my "cute" laugh. I'm sure I sounded like a crying whale. In our desk group was another of a good friend of mine, she would always be eyeing him suspiciously. I didn't think much of it, then.

The class was soon over and we finally got to go home. I walked out of the class as quick as I could, but Harry caught up. I decided to walk with him instead of with my friends, for once. We were already going in the same direction so I might as well. He hasn't said anything since the last few minutes of class, which was weirdly weird. I tried making small talk, but I would only get one word answers. I then notice he has been fiddling with his hands and all of a sudden he blurts out, "I like you".

I am baffled for words as a just say, "WHAT?" My tone, obviously, being one of shock.

He seems lost and just sheepishly smiles, yet at the same time scared of being rejected. And me, being the dumb person that I am, just said that i had to go and quickly walk away in the opposite direction of my destination.

At that moment I didn't think to say that I liked him back too. I didn't care for what he might be feeling. The fact that I just ran away probably broke his heart. But in all honesty, I have never had anyone like me before, at least someone who I liked back. Or anyone that actually confessed to my face. after all, I wasn't like any of those girls everyone is head over heels for. I was no "skinny legend", I was not fit. Yeah, I am not ugly, but I wasn't the prettiest.

I got home in such great mood, that even my mom noticed it. I remember texting my best friend and her basically forcing me to text him or call him to tell him how I feel. I would have preferred to actually tell him in person. but I didn't want him to stay up at night, feeling sad.

I try calling Harry, but it goes straight for voicemail. Leaving me scared that he might be upset. So I decide to text him, and right away he answers. I tell him how I was sorry for basically running away, and he apologizes for not answering my call for he was at gym. I then tell him that I like him back. and he leaves me on read.

... To be continued


Um so this is actually based on a true story, heheh anddddddddddddddd I might be turning this into an actual fanfition, or just a book with no cast, to leave room for the readers imagination.

Im just sifishharsgh because I got a new laptop and I'm barely getting used to it.

alsoooooo I created this series like sophomore year maybe even freshman year of high school

and now I'm a college freshman.

we love an educated sister

anyway if this gets enough votes/reads then ill make it into a book/fanfiction

Btw thank you for 3k reads

Alsooo im very very excited bc I just ordered styleslegend

anarchy series anddddfhhiahf i can't wait to re read like I did the wattpad series.

she also got married and its cute as heck

njsuiagfbvshfhiwrhbjfurtfsdfyasgurehfery I need to learn how to not write like a third grader

and actually plan out my chapters before typing

this was written at the top of my head and actually happened a year ago and said "harry" is now my boyfriend

as long as he doesn't find this accoun

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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