Six Month Anniversary

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(Y/n) Pov
Beep. Beep. Beep. Ugh I don't want to get up. I've felt just so weak lately. Is this all really worth it. At my last photo shoot everyone commented on how skinny I was. Sure I loved the complements but is it really worth my health and energy. Yes it is. My career and nation-wide name is the only thing that I truly have all to myself. I can't risk giving it up even if there is a few health issues along the way. I am prepared to pay the price! Lately I've been thinking that I didn't pick the best job but then I have to remind myself that it's not so bad after all my job is how I met Mitsukuni. I've tried to hide my body from Mitsukuni so I've been wearing a lot of sweaters and jackets. Some cute some not. It didn't really matter anymore whenever I was with him I didn't care about my appearance. I could just laugh and have fun without a care in the world. Lying to him breaks my heart but I know if I tell him his heart will not break it will shatter. He doesn't need to be burdened with my issues. He is to good for me. I hear "Real Sugary Baby" playing from my phone. Speak of the devil himself. I picked up the phone and before I could say hello-"Hi (F/n)!" Mitsukuni yelled really loud in your ear. "Hi Mitsukuni" I replied hinting at my annoyance. He just laughed it off. "So are you doing anything tonight~?" He asked in a sing song voice. "Um... I don't think so. Why?" "Oh... Well...Uh" there was a few moments of silence after that "I would like you..." He started. "(Y/n) (L/n)..." "Yes" I asked. "To go out on a date with me..." After that I bursted into laughter. I was positive he was bright red on the other side of the phone. "Is that a no?" He asked quietly voice full of embarrassment and disappointment. I giggled, "Of course I will go out on a date with you." "Really?!" "Yes, of course I will. But why are you being so formal. We have been going out for a while so there really is no need." "Right we have been going out for a while" he mumbled barely loud enough for me to here. There was another moment of silence. I decided to break the silence "Mitsu-" "See you at 7 Bye!" He said in a hurried tone then quickly hung up before I could get another word in. Well that was odd and out of character. What is he up to?

Honeys Pov
I had to hang up! She was getting suspicious! Okay it is 9 o clock now and there is still so much more to do! "Come on Usa-chan!" I said grabbing his tiny little arm and running out of my house and into the car waiting outside for me. We drove off. It is going so slow. I was bouncing up and down in my seat. I cant wait until 7! Ugh! This is the worst feeling ever! I glanced out the window for a moment and something caught my eye. It was the restaurant I was taking (y/n) to tonight. I smiled to myself. (Y/n). I'm so lucky to have her. I looked at Usa-chan who was buckled beside me. "Hey Usa-chan aren't we so lucky to have (y/n) around?" He didn't respond so I continued talking. "I love her so much! But recently she has been a little sad. Have you noticed?" Again no answer. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just thinking that because I want to protect her. I don't want her to be sad or depressed or anything like that. I just want her to be happy. Don't you want (y/n) to be happy Usa-chan?" His head bounced as we went over a bump on the road. "I'm going to take that as a yes. Tonight is going to be so fun don't you think?" Once more there was silence. But this time I didn't speak again. I just thought. I looked up at the roof of the car and thought. I thought about what I would do if (y/n) ever were sad. Would I be a good boyfriend and help her get through it? Or be a bad one and hurt her even more? I closed my eyes and thought of (y/n)s beautiful face stained with tears. I almost wanted to cry in that moment as well. "Hey Usa-chan?" I asked my bunny keeping my eyes closed. "Do you think (y/n) would tell us if she was sad?" I looked at him and then smiled. "I'm sure she would tell us! After all if you love someone then you tell them if you are sad so they can help you!" I love (y/n) and I know she wouldn't hide something like that from me. I looked at Usa-chan once more. He looked lonely. "Don't worry Usa-chan I still love you! I still love you a lot! (Y/n) loves you too just so you know. I bet she wouldn't mind if you came along on her surprise 6 month anniversary date?"

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