6. Tweets

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"@Louis_Tomlinson Remember when you had a life and didn't make bitchy comments about mine?"

By that tweet everything had gone downhill. Louis was supported by directioners all over the world but his own brother Zayn dissed him. Not Louis fault though, he needed Zayn the most and there he was spending time with Naughty boy(what was his real name again?)

When Louis expected support and comfort most from Zayn, all he got was that tweet. Atleast Zayn could see how unhappy directioners were with him and Naughty boy just added salt to wound. Louis did everything so the fans won't hate Zayn but Malik was too dumb to understand it.

Louis locked down himself, his emotions and everything he had. He didn't come out of his room for entire day and only time he came out to cancel all the interviews in the upcoming weeks. Liam tried to comfort him but he just gave him a blank look. Niall was far to shocked for the fact One Direction got split professionally and now they were getting separated emotionally too. Harry didn't fail to notice Louis' sore eyes and his red nose which only resulted when he would cry for hours.

First thing Harry did was to call Zayn and he didn't expect it would result into a feud.

"What's wrong Zayn?"

"Don't ask me Styles, ask him. Tell him to keep his sass to his sorry self"

"Woah, cool down man"

"Why is he so jealous? Once just once I wanted to do something that makes me happy but he has to ruin it for me"

"What? Louis didn't ruin anything he was trying to protect you from-"

"Do I look like I need fucking protection? Since when did Louis quit One Direction to be my goddamn bodyguard? Why are you defending him anyway? If I'm not wrong you guys weren't even on speaking terms before."

"I would tell you but you aren't a part of One Direction any more," Harry spat out. There was silence from other side of the phone, so Harry continued, "He just needed his best friend when he messed up with his girlfriend but I guess I'll always be a better friend than you."

Harry hanged up.

He made one excellent plan of convincing Louis to fly to Eleanor and even that wouldn't be accomplished. Louis was hardly out of his room, flying to London is a hyperbole now. The more time he wasted, the more time it will take for Eleanor to forgive him. In circumstances where Zayn was involved, Louis wasn't the most strong person. He either needed Eleanor or Zayn. But talking to Zayn made one thing clear : things are going to be not that easy between Louis and Zayn. Eleanor was better option, she always understood Louis better. They had to see each other to make up and Harry just knew how.


"Everything okay, Harry?" Niall asked. Liam, Sophia and Niall were chilling besides the pool. They hadn't seen Harry so flushed with anger.

"I want you guys to do me a favor," and if they didn't know Harry better it would have sounded like Harry was doing them a favor speaking.

"Anything," Niall nodded even before hearing it. Liam and Sophia just gave each other confused looks.

Harry was silent trying to content his anger. Sophia got up to leave thinking she was bother between boys, little did she know her help was the most crucial in Harry's strategy.

"Sophia, I want you to call Eleanor and... "


a/n: Chapter dedication to most cute comments!

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