8. Chance

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"I am sorry, love" Louis mumbled in Eleanor's hair while she was fast asleep.

Waking up next to her was - as peaceful it was- he was reminded about all their current issue. She still thought he had cheated on her, but then why was she still here? But this was Eleanor we are talking about. When was she ever predictable? You never know what she'll do next.

"Hey," her sleepy voice mummered. "Morning."

Fuck, Louis thought. To keep his hands off her was so difficult when she looked so adorable.

"Morning love," Louis said kissing her forehead.

Eleanor blinked trying to process what he did. He called her 'love' and kissed her forehead. After all that happened, logic said she should be angry on him. To demand answers and blame him for her tears. But who cares what logic says.

Logic jumped out of window when she smiled at him. Real genuine reserved-for-Louis smile.

Louis closed his eyes and groaned internally how could he hurt the girl who smiled at him like that?

"El I-" Louis started and that was the part Eleanor dreaded most.

She got up cutting him off, "I really need to see Sophia. I'll see you later?"

Louis took her hand placing kiss on back of her hand he mumbled, "Yeah."


"So you guys are good?" Sophia asked. Eleanor and Sophia were roaming around the city the boys were performing at. The boys didn't have a show until tomorrow night.

"I don't know Soph. I don't want to but it's so difficult. He makes it so difficult."

"Did he even explain himself?"

"I have been avoiding that," Eleanor confessed.

"Come on El you are stronger than that! You are here, to see the guy who broke you so terribly. You can hear him out and make a final decision. Not just leave yourself hanging!"

"I am here for the guy I loved and because he needs me."

"Do you still love him?" Sophia said walking into a mall.

"I shouldn't," Eleanor said walking behind her.

"But you do."

Eleanor drew a hard breath, ducking her head low she whispered, "But I do."

And then the music started! There were people in the entire mall gather at the entrance. Louis was in middle singing Harry and Liam were keeping the crowd away from him. Niall was strumming his guitar.

"I've got a heart" Louis sang and a small girl handed heart shaped ballon to Eleanor. 'Elounor' was written on it.

"And I've a soul
Believe me, I
Use them both" he continued.

Niall filled in with his guitar and the crowd cheered.

"Baby I don't want to feel alone
So kiss me where I lay down my hands pressed to your cheeks,
A long way from the playground"

Harry walked to Eleanor, leading her from crowd to where Louis stood.

"I have loved you since we were eighteen,"

The huge screen display behind them revealed a picture of their first meeting.

"Long before we both thought the same things,
To be loved and to be in love"

Wrapping his arms around her, he sang, "All I could do is say that these arms were made for holding you oh oh"

Eleanor nuzzled in his chest, "I wanna love like you made me feel when we were eighteen "

The crowd cheered and Harry had a grin size of Texas on his face. Niall clapped and told the crowd to shout louder. Sophia was in Liam's arms as Liam continued the song.

"Eleanor Jane Calder, I am sorry for hurting you and not giving you everything you deserve. Can you please give me another chance?" Louis asked his eyes so desperate that Eleanor's throat went dry.

She didn't wanted to, she was just here to get him out of his misery. Their relationship wasn't something that evolved around the purpose of this trip. But he reminded her of every single thing they did together since four years. There was crowd cheering, "Elounor! Elounor!"

Harry was enjoying this, he had divided the crowd into four and asked each one part to cheer when he raised his hand.

"So kiss me where I lay down my hands pressed to your cheeks,
A long way from the playground," Liam sang and like a habit Louis pressed his hand to Eleanor's cheeks.

Before could lean in Eleanor spoke, "Yeah, I'll give us a chance."

Louis knew she wasn't ready yet so instead he kissed her forehead.

"Thank you guys for the cheering. You are all invited to Louis and Eleanor's wedding. I am Louis' bestman because I am without a doubt the best," Harry showed his dimple and crowded cheered louder.

Eleanor hid in Louis chest while Louis shot Harry glare before chuckling. Sophia glanced both Louis and Eleanor before whispering to Liam, "They look so-"

"- perfect together, " Liam completed. "I know right."

Sophia smiled , because the way Louis looked at Eleanor, it was going to make everything alright again.

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