9. Control

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"Louis, we need to -"

"I love her. I know I messed up bad but I fucking love her, Simon and if you're going to drag in my public image, 'what-will-fans-think' or I should keep it from paparazzi then I'm sorry but I love her. I am gonna do everything in my power to get her back and for the first time I don't care if you agree to it or not. But I love her and if she forgives me then I'm going to marry her!" Louis finished and Simon smiled softly.

"About damn time," Simon chuckled and Louis' eyes popped out. "Go get her lad!"

And before Louis could reply, Simon kicked him out of his office.


Returning to his room he saw Eleanor packing her stuff. She didn't look up when he entered.

"El, why are you packing?" Louis asked confused.

"Because I am leaving," she replied, her voice monotonous.

"But I thought we were good, you-" Louis thought she had forgived him after yesterday. Little he knew she gave him another chance not forgiveness.

"But I've life back home, I can't just stay here," she said looking up for the first time.

She has been crying, Louis figured out.

"Wait, you have to listen me out. I am sorry El. I was drunk and I didn't know what I was thinking - " Louis has been trying to explain this since yesterday but each time Eleanor would find a way to avoid it.

"Don't," Eleanor spat out controlling her tears.

"No, you have to hear me," Louis reached out for her hand but she stepped back.

Sighing Louis continued, "I don't even know her name trust me. It was just for few seconds but it was enough for photographers to capture it. I was just frustrated for not seeing you for so long. I can't blame it on drinking because I should have handled my alcohol but it's you I love baby. Trust me."

"That's the problem, Louis. After all this, I still love you. I still goddamn trust you. I'm so ashamed of myself. You control me more than I'd like you to. I hate that about myself. You are my weakness and you use it against me!"

She reached out for her bags and he reached out for her wrist.

"Don't go," Louis said his eyes already watery and his voice trembled.

Eleanor let go of her bag and placed her hand behind his neck, pushed him back and kissed him. Tasting him after so long felt distantly familiar but amazing nevertheless. Louis didn't react for a while, too shock to process everything. But eventually he wrapped arms around her waist. Kissing her back, his lips syncing with hers and goodness, it wasn't that sweet 'I've missed you' kiss. Louis' body was on fire as Eleanor kissed him passionately asking unsaid questions, demanding answers. It was 'you made me go through hell but I still love you' kiss but before Louis could realize it was also goodbye kiss. Taking advantage of Louis' dazed state, Eleanor grabbed her bag and left the room.

"And you say I control you," Louis fell onto ground.

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