5. Stylinsons

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Zayn left One Direction and Louis felt betrayed. But then atleast he was the happy one between them both because Louis was clearly nowhere near happy even though he sang songs at concert happily he just did that to avoid drama among Directioners. Pretending was never hard for Tomlimsons that's one quality they shared along with sass.

His behavior had changed. Louis became more snappy, more harsh and of course more sassy. Zayn's leaving didn't help the case. If before Louis considered leaving tour for few days and visiting Eleanor now the thought of leaving even for one day was impossible for him to think about. Fans had different reaction on Zayn quitting One Direction, some were understanding and supported him in his decision while others just threw hate on him. Also a large number of them blamed Perrie, Zayn's fiancee, for making him leave One Direction. Louis for the matter knew that if he flew back to London to clear things with Eleanor, not only would the fans think he was quitting too but also send hate to Eleanor. Which, of course, he didn't want to happen.

Naughty boy was the first one who suffered the wrath of snappy Louis. Their twitter feud was not unnoticed worldwide and Louis as usual defended the fans. Even though it was Louis who was rude, the fans supported him anyway. When Simon and Louis' other band mates got informed about this they knew the reason. Everyone knew Eleanor kept him in control and stopped him from saying or doing too much which he would regret later. Management many times begged Eleanor to accompany him on tour so he wouldn't get in any trouble.

Louis knew he was a shithead for letting her go and not chasing her and he was regretting every second of it. No one understood him like Eleanor did. Talking to Lottie did help but no matter what she was his sister he couldn't just talk to her about certain things. Liam had been throwing so many disapproving looks his way since past week that it was almost impossible to confront him.

Louis had started drowning his sorrows with alcohol,visiting different night clubs with friends. Most of the time he was lying on the ground outside the club and his bodyguards took his sorry ass home. Simon was worried about his and band's reputation, demanding Louis to quit drinking but when did ever Tommo listen to him? Never.

After one of the shows. Harry approached him. Though things weren't perfect between two boys, Harry still cared about Louis and knew Zayn's leaving had affect him the most.

"Okay?" the boy with curly head asked.

"What does it look like?" Louis snapped.

"Still an asshole," Harry muttered under his breath and Louis shot him a glare.

"You really like to make things difficult, don't you?" Harry chuckled.

Louis didn't respond.

"You have any cigarettes?" Harry inquired looking around.

"Did you really come here to smoke Harold?" Louis smirked finding the situation amusing. "There should be few in that drawer"

Harry pulled out two cigarettes, lighting his own he threw another one at Louis.

"So you can either tell me how much of dick Zayn is for leaving or Naughty boy is for messing with you" Harry said taking a drag.

"Seriously H? Like Seriously?" Louis said dryly. They smoked in silence for awhile.

"What is his real name anyway?" Harry asked making Louis chuckle.

"I miss her you know," Louis said after few minutes of silence bringing his knees close and placing his head on them.

"She is hard to be not missed" Harry agreed.

"Sometimes I feel like quitting everything and just wrapping her in my arms and stay with her," Louis paused. "Forever."

"What stops you?" Harry whispered.

"I don't want to follow Zayn's footsteps and prove that ass right. Besides you would miss me too much and leave the band as well," Louis teased.

"I wouldn't, I'll probably enjoy the spotlight of your part too," Harry teased back and they both started laughing.

"So how do you plan on getting her back?" Harry asked earnestly.

Louis let out a laugh, "I don't know."

Harry looked at him like he had grown a second head. "So I can hit on her?"

In an instant Louis was strangling him, "You. Stay. Away. From. My. Girl."

Harry pushed him off and raised his eyebrow, "Your girl? Do you think she's still your girl after all you put her through?"

"Why are you here, Styles?" Louis growled.

"I want you to win her back. She keeps you tamed and we can't deal with your wildness," Harry gave him a straight answer.

Louis lowered his gaze but didn't say anything so Harry continued, "Lou, you and her feel so right. There are only few couple I root for and you guys will always be first. I just can't see you two breaking each other. You have to make it right. Come on, do something."

"For some whose love life had miserably failed you sure do give alot of advice," Louis chuckled.

"Some romantic gesture or something like you can apologize to her on concert and declare your undying love," Harry continued ignoring Louis' comment. "Or just show up on her door step without informing."

"I can't quit tour," Louis shook his head.

"We are off tour in three days," Harry said in 'duh' tone.

Louis had completely forgot about it. He was so stressed that he couldn't remember which day it was or where he was.

"That means after three days I get to see her!" Louis exclaimed.

"That's if she wants to see you," Harry pointed out.

"I am gonna make her want me," Louis smirked.

"Good luck," Harry said getting up to leave.

"Thanks bro," Louis said genuinely. Harry flashed him his signature smile before exiting.

By that everything was cool between the Stylinsons. Louis knew Eleanor was unintentionally and indirectly responsible for this reunion between him and his old best friend.

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