Chapter 7

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"Katniss!" I hear Peeta call as he stomps through the forest. He stops in front of me, panting heavily.

"What's wrong?" I ask ihim

"It's my dad," he says. "He fell ill last night. Please tell me you don't have to take him. I don't know what I'll do without him." I look at him with sad eyes, knowing the truth. I figured out a few days ago, how Peeta was supposed to get his wings. I was scared for him. He has a big heart, but it's going to break when he finds out what he has to do.

"Peeta," I start but he cuts me off.

"Please Katniss," he cries, falling to his knees. "You can't take him!"

"You're right Peeta, I can't," I say. "Because its your soul to take."

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"To get your wings, you have to take your father Peeta," I say.

"Then I don't want them," he says standing up. "Its not worth losing my father."

"Peeta, it's his time," I say. "You know it hurts me to ask you this, but I have to. You need to let him go. You need to take him above the gates. He deserves the mercy if death. Would you rather he suffered?"

"But he's my dad Katniss," he says. "I can't kill my father."

"You know that isn't how it works," I say. "He's going to die no matter what. It's your duty to lead him home."

"Katniss, why him? Why now?" he asks.

"I don't know why," I say. "I just know its how it has to be. Everything happens for a reason. It's his time. And its your time to finally come home with me."

"How am I supposed to do it?" he asks. "I'm not like you, I don't have what you have. I can't do what you do."

"I'll help you," I say, "I'm not going to leave your side this whole time. I know how much this is going to hurt you." I kneel down beside him and gently brush his blonde curls out of his face. "It's time Peeta. You know I wouldn't ask you to do this if it wasn't the only way." He looks at me and nods.

"I know," he says. "I just don't know how I can do this. Take him from his family. He doesn't know what Mother does to me. He loves her a lot."

"Yes, but he'll understand," I tell him. "He knows Peeta. His time here is over."

"At least there's a bit of a bright side to all this," he says.

"And what's that?" I ask.

"I finally get to be with you," he says. "We can actually get married and have children of our own." I nod and smile.

"We can finally start our eternity," I say. He stands and takes my hand. I stand beside him and stretch my wings. "You ready?"

"I guess," he says, the playful look in his eyes gone.

"Lets get this over with," I say. We walk through the village, but I don't cast my shadow enchantment. With my wings folded, they just see a woman in a black dress walking through the streets. It's not enough to bat an eye at. I walk into the house and notice that no one is even here to pay attention to us coming in her.

"Where's you brothers? Your mother?" I ask him.

"According to her, someone has to go run the bakery," he says."She made me stay. Not that I would have left him like this." I nod and we walk into the back bedroom. I see a pale, frail looking man who looks eerily familiar. I walk up to his bedside and when I see his face clearly, I realize why he looks familiar. When he was younger, maybe twenty, I helped him get over a girl that broke his heart when she ran away with a coal miner. I helped him find the girl he ended up marrying. But I had no idea Edith had such cruelty in her heart as to abuse her son. She was a sweet girl when I introduced her to Ethan.

"Your father is Ethan Mellark?" I ask Peeta and he nods. "I can't believe it's been nearly thirty years since I went back home."

"You knew my father?" he asks.

"I helped him get over a broken heart and introduced him to your mother," I say. "Although, she was a much kinder person back then." Peeta's father must come to because I hear a gravely voice.

"Katniss?" he asks and I turn to him, taking his hand and smiling.

"It's been a long time Ethan," I say. "You know why I'm here with Peeta don't you?"

"It's my time isn't it," he says." I nod sadly.

"Peeta and I are going to take you back above the gates," I say.

"Peeta?" he asks. "What does Peeta have to do with anything?"

"He's a Fallen Angel Ethan," I say. "When you go with us, he's going to gain his wings and come home with me. He's my soulmate. My other half."

"Really?" he asks. Peeta steps forward and smiles sadly, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"That's right Dad," he says. "I guess you were right. I am special. I just wish it didn't have to be this way."

"I'm happy to give up my life for the happiness of both you and Katniss," he says. "She was my best friend for almost two years. I'm glad to see she found someone who would fill her life with so much joy. I just want you to promise me one thing before you take me."

"What's that?" Peeta asks.

"Don't you ever hurt this beautiful angel. She is the best friend you could ever ask for and I know that she loves you and you love her the way you two look at each other," he says.

"I promise Dad," Peeta says. "I promise." Ethan nods.

"I know you will," he says, his breathing slowing. "I know you will." He lays his head back and I look to Peeta.

"It's time," I say. "Take his hand and pull. You'll feel his soul come with you." I let go of Ethan's hand and Peeta reaches forward and grabs it before it falls to the bed. I see the glowing aura of Ethan's soul sit up as his breaths stop. He gets out of the bed and hugs his son. I see tears fall down Peeta's cheeks and onto the dusty wooden floor.

Suddenly, Peeta begins to glow. So brightly I have to look away. When the glow dies, Peeta and his father's soul is gone. I know what's happened and leave as soon as I can. I get out of plain sight and spread my wings. I fly up to the gates and standing there is the view that I swear I've been waiting forever for.

Peeta's standing there, surrounded in the aura of an angel, cream colored wings spread wide and a smile on his face. I land in front of him.

"You are so much more beautiful up here," he says. I wrap my arms around him and he does the same, holding me close. He leans in and so do I. We kiss for the first time and I swear I feel myself falling in love with him all over again. I pull away and smile.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too," he says.

"Come on," I say. "Let me show you around our eternity."

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