10 September 2000

15 2 0

Dear Ryan,

I hate you and that I will never forgive you. I agree with Daz. She said that you would use me or that you would tory with my feelings and now I believe her.

I was never ashamed of my feelings for you. I don't know anymore. Your just a jerk I don't get it one minute you want to be with me.

Ryan you said all that shit and now you don't even care. Your cute and that. I thought you really cared but I was wrong.

Ryan, I am sick of this. I really like you and I'm not ashamed to show it. I wish you would realize I won't always have these feelings for you. I just don't get you any more I use to know you really well but now I don't.

When we dated in year nine I was happy until I heard it was a joke. so I don't know if it is all a joke to you or what but it is not to me.

I know I want to say to that guy who asked me out which is no but I know I also want to be happy but I'm not while I'm pretending I dont have feelings for you. I may hate hoildays but when I'm talking to you my day gets better.

I can put up with a lot of things. But I can't when I think of you and what it would be like to see how you are going. I know it's crazy if I ask you to hold me while I cry and scream. I know it will never happen so why give my hopes up so high.

I am sorry for always going to you about my problems but all I need is someone to talk to and to cheer me up.

When I sleep all I see is you in my dreams with me and you telling me everything is going to alright. I wish that is true even though it is not going to be alright.

I don't know what to do with my feelings for you. I basically expressed all my feelings but I know you won't read this so I don't know what to do with my feelings that I just put in this. A part of me wants you to read this but the other part saids no.

With lots of love from


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