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"Goodnight, Hinami. I'll be up soon." Touka said, patting the younger girls head.

"Good Night, Onee-Chan, and Onii-Chan!" She exclaimed happily before walking up the stairs to go to bed.

Touka smiled and let out a small yawn.

"You know you don't have to help me. If you're tired go to seep, Touka-Chan!" Kaneki said, turning to face her.

"Idiot, I'm not leaving you to clean up what Nishiki was supposed to."

Kaneki laughed a bit. "He said he had to get home early."

Touka rolled her eyes. "You don't really believe that bullshit do you? He just wanted to get out of cleaning, as he always does." She sighed, moping up the last bit of floor.

"Well, I don't really blame him." Kaneki said, finishing putting the cups on their respectful shelves.

" I guess you're right. But still, that doesn't give him the right to just up and leave us here." She pouted, leaning against the counter.

Kaneki turned around, dusting off his apron. "Well, we're done anyways!" He said with a smile, watching her give a slight smile back. "We should probably get to bed now, it's kinda late." Kaneki said.

Touka cocked an eyebrow. "Dude. We literally never get anytime to ourselves anymore and you're saying its late?" She shook her head. "Nope, come over here." She said, making him sigh.

"Touka-Chan, come on..." He said, looking into her eyes. "I'm tired, Touka..."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed his tie, bringing him closer to her. "Oh stop complaining and kiss me already." She said, obviously getting impatient.

He laughed a bit and leant down to kiss her, bending down to pick her up and place her on the counter for a more comfortable reach. Touka held onto his tie, pulling him closer every once in a while. He placed both his hands next to her, leaning on the counter for support. She pulled away after a few moments, leaving Kaneki lingering there.

"Are you going to stop complaining now?" She asked, poking him in the chest.

He laughed. "Not if you stop kissing me~" he exclaimed, making her smile.

She pulled him back over to her, wrapping her legs around him. She than cupped his face and proceeded to kiss him again. He smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her.

Kaneki was the first to break away, pressing his lips against her forehead. "I love you, Touka-Chan." He said, making the purple haired girl blush.

"Y-yeah whatever..." She shifted a bit where she sat.

Kaneki, for one, loved getting her all flustered like that. He poked her nose, grinning at her. "Adorable."

She smacked his face lightly. "Stop~" She whined, leaning back a Little bit more.

Now it was Kaneki's turn to pull her in. He grabbed her tie out of her uniform and pulled her close to him. He smiled at her, listening as her breath hitched in her throat.

Touka blushed a deeper shade of red, making Kaneki laugh before pulling her back in to kiss him.

She grabbed his collar, steadying herself.

Their little make-our session went on for another good 20 minutes until they heard someone open the front door.

"Hey, I left my b-" Nishiki stood there, trying to hold back a laugh. "Oh sorry, am I interrupting something?" He smirked, watching Touka burry her face into Kaneki's chest in order to avoid any teasing from Nishiki.

Kaneki smiled at Nishiki. "Oh, Hey Nishio! You're bag should be over there." He said, pointing to one of the tables as he wrapped an arm around the obviously infuriated girl.

Nishiki laughed as he grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. "Thanks Kaneki. You guys can go back to being disgustingly cute." He received a low growl from Touka. He just smirked and shook his head. "Also, Kaneki, tell Touka to stop being a big baby."

Before Touka could even form a comeback, he was already out the door. Her face must have been extremely red from the look of pure amusement on Kaneki's face. She groaned and hopped off the counter, walking over to the door to go up to her room.

"Oh, come one Touka-Chan!" He tried to say between giggles.

"Oh, Shut up you idiot! Let's just go to bed. It's late." She mimicked the words Kaneki has previously said.

Kaneki pouted. "Touka-Chan, you're mean."

Touka laughed and grabbed his hand, pulling him up the stairs. "Yeah, I know."

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