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I woke up with a splitting head ache, then I looked around the dark cell that I was in. There were six other people here, two dead and a few guards, or what I would assume are guards.
Looking up i saw that I was chained up, I couldn't move any further than two feet to either side of myself. I was still dazed when I saw this man walking toward me. He stopped at the cell bars and said"Hello my name in Tom, you are?" I just looked at him like he was stupid then he shrugged and replied"It does not matter whether you give me your name or not, you'll be dead in a few weeks anyways" then he waved his hand and the guard shot me with a tranquilizer, and I fell into the darkness again.
It all happens out of no where, hunters flooded the field, tranquilizing everything they could. They only took one thing or rather one person though, that person is Damien.
          Damien's mate(aka Valerie)
I had just found him again, only to lose him, I have been training honing my skills because whether or not they come back or not, I will hunt them down and find my
Mate. I am currently in the training room beating the crap out of all the sparring partners there trying to take out the anger fuel but just when I think it's gone it returns with a vengeance.
  When I woke up I was chained down to a bed when Tom walked up to me and said"So change of plans, we won't kill you but we will unleash the beast inside you and set it lose upon your pack, and your mate" then he injected a black liquid into my neck and suddenly I felt a new presence in my mind. This one wanted nothing more than to rip everything I. It's sight to pieces. Then it started to take control of my body, it started with my legs then it went up to my upper body and arms, the only thing I could hold onto was my head, it would be able to shift if it got control of my head and spinal column, that much I am certain of, then Tom injected another thing into me and said"nighty night" then he left snickering. Then everything went black again.
    When I woke up again I was naked in a field in front of a complex, there were body's everywhere blood all over and all over me. That's when a deep, dark ominous voice said"This slaughter has sated my blood lust for now, but beware I will return" then it faded away.
I started walking down a road after I took one of the intact body's cloths, I know disgusting but I needed something to wear. So I kept walking until I reached a gas station, that happened to have a pay phone. Taking some change out of the dead guys pockets I dialed Jason's number and waited for him to pick up, unfortunately it went to voice mail so I said in a croaking voice" Hey Jason its me Damien or John who ever I am, I am at a gas station on a Pinewoods road, come pick me up when you can" then I hung up. Going into the gas station I took some money out of the dead guys wallet and got two bottles of water, I quickly drank the water as if it were as essential to me a air, those bastards who ever they were didn't give me any food or water while I was there. After that I sat on the side walk and waited.
Sorry for the short chapter but I do have big ideas for Valerie and Tom's characters so keep reading and no Tom didn't die in the destruction of the hunter compound. But i can give you this, Damien isn't the only special paranormal creature out there, and there are two different kinds of werewolves that will be in this book wolf shifters and lycans, oh and there will be a couple more kinds of paranormal creatures in here so keep your eyes peeled and vote, comment, share with your friend!!! Have a time reading!!:):):):):):):):):):):):). And the pic is Valerie.

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