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Author's note: so this is my first real attempt at a story, hope you guys like it and that is what Damien looks like.
all rights reserved, and copy righted so please don't try and steal my story
I am Damien wolf, I know ironic considering that I'm a werewolf. Well technically I'm just a human till I shift. We all shift depending on blood, some earlier than others but for the most part it ranges from 10-16 and I'm 14. This is such a bummer, my brother Adam shifted when he was 11 and ever since then he's been the golden boy, while I've been bullied as long as I can remember.
I tried to go to Adam about it,but he called me a liar and told me to apologize to his friend Mac, in front of everyone. Mac has been bulling me more than everyone else for as long as I can remember. My mom died and ever since my father the Alpha of the crescent moon pack has drowned himself in work to try and alcohol trying to forget he stopped paying any attention to us kids.
My father has no idea about how I'm treated but I don't care, when i shift I will teach all of them, then suddenly his voice cut in. Let me explain i have been hearing my wolf since I was twelve but i haven't shifted, "hey stop thinking on revenge and think about when we will find our mate" he said to me, I rolled my eyes of course he couldn't think about anything other than his mate.
Right now I am in the living room of my house, when this incredible scent filled my nose, and I see this amazingly beautiful girl, who looked about my age then suddenly, my wolf was screaming"MATE!!!" Then I saw my brother pull her into a kiss. Suddenly I started to shake, and my wolf yelled "calm down or we will shift early!!" Then I felt him pushing the shift back.
All I could think about was how angry me and my wolf were at my brother. Then I remembered my uncle talking about his first shift, he got hurt so bad in a off-roading incident in the hill's and it forced him to shift, to enhance the healing process to ensure his survival, he was 12 at the time.
Then stumbling away from my brother I went as quickly as my body enabled me to to the kitchen, then I grabbed a knife and ran into the woods to a clearing that was so secluded that only I knew about it, it was shown to me by my grandfather before he passed away. Stripping down I took the knife and stabbed my self, since I had sent shifted yet it didn't matter if it was silver or regular metal, both could fatally wound my non shifted body, then grasping the knife I took it out. Screaming in pain I stabbed myself again, below the ribs. Then I felt a bone pop out of place and start to realign, when suddenly I felt more bones popping and a white hot mind searing pain took over my body as I convulsed on the ground, my very first shift was happening. Then I blacked, only hearing my wolf saying he will take over.
Damien's wolf pov:
I took over, that fools body, he just had to stab himself didn't he? That jackass it's my body too my pain is his pain, his pain is my pain so I felt every excruciating turn of the knife inside our body.
Then after we shifted I went to a stream to get some water when I noticed a vampire.
   She looked at me as if I was her next meal, then before I could blink she put a ring in my paw, it surprisingly fit, then she was draining my blood, sucking my blood till she had satisfied get hunger.
Then the mystery vampire stood up and and said "I'm sorry about turning you but I needed the blood, put the ring on it will control your blood thirst" then she turned and ran at high speed away. Then I felt my wolf body collapse but not before I saw six people standing over my now shifted body. Then I too blacked out.
Hey people's vote and comment, leave me you suggestions, give me ideas tell me what you want what you like!!!!!

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