Four: Wake Up Call.

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Zoey's pov:

"Zoey, wake up."

I let out a grunt and pulled the blanket over my head, ignoring who ever the hell that was trying to wake me up from my deep slumber. Just as sleep was about to creep in the blanket was pulled away from me which woke me up immediately and this is annoying me too much now.

"What the hell do you think you're d... Aiden! Why the fuck are you here?!" I gasp in shock as his face appears in front of me. I quickly snatched the blanket from him when I realised he was staring at my chest for too long. Longer than he should be.

Dammit Zoey, why out of all days you must choose this day hour minute second to sleep in your undergarments only?

I've forgotten that I took my clothes off leaving me only in my bra and panty on because the room was feeling slightly balmy.

My cheeks were turning crimson red when Aiden was smiling sheepishly at me knowing how much he loved to make me blush all the time.

"Sorry, didn't mean to stare too long."

My cheeks were blushing furiously and I pulled my blankets over myself tightly.

"Why are you here?" I asked trying to get him off the topic.

"You didn't answer your phone. Mr Kale was calling you nonstop and Gwen asked me to come check on you since I brought you home from dinner last night."

Fuck, I forgot I was working today. I was suppose to have a meeting with a client this evening at 3pm. Wait what time is it?

I grabbed my phone from the floor which probably tumbled from the bed when I was sleeping and swtiched it on. 7:57pm. Shit. I'm so dead.

"It's okay, I've called your client and told him you were not feeling well today and your meeting had been rescheduled," he said calmly.

I sighed with relief and scrolled through my miss calls and text messages.

Aiden: 11 misscalls
Mr Kale: 8 misscalls
Gwen: 15 misscalls
Unread messages: 36 messages

"They were worried about you because you've never done things like this before and I thought you were kidnapped or something," he said worriedly.

I sighed softly, "Thank you for dropping by to check on me Aiden, really. I appreciate it so much."

"What ever for you, my darling," he winked before going out of my bedroom.

My heart skipped a beat at that sentence. Not wanting to waste too much thoughts on him, I quickly ran towards the bathroom and wash up before checking on what ever the hell he is doing in my house.

Aiden's pov:

When I reached Zoey's bedroom, I knocked softly before going in when I realized there was no answer. Worried something might happen to her, I opened the door to see her sleeping and my eyes caught hold of her luscious lips that was slightly apart. I was tempted to kiss her lips that moment but I calmed down my raging hormones. Looking at her beautifully sculpted face, I softly let my hands cradled the side of her face and kissed her softly on her forehead.

What am I going to do without you, Zoey.

After letting her sleep for another hour, I decided to wake her up.

"Zoey, wake up," I said as I tugged on her shoulder softly. She let out a grunt and pulled the blanket that was covering her, over her head. I chuckled softly watching her. Without warning, I pulled the blanket harshly which woke her up immediately. I was surprised to see her barely wearing nothing and my eyes were drawn to her chest. Sorry, I was born a man. It's our nature to stare at such beauty especially if it's a stunning one. I didn't realize I was staring way too long until she snatched the blanket away from me, blushing hard. Damn, that's fucking hot. I could have taken her then and there but I don't want to do that to her.

After making sure she was okay, I left her bedroom to let her breath a little and went to cook up some dinner for us in the kitchen. I washed some potatoes I found in her refrigerator to make a quick mash potato and roasted some chicken in the oven. An hour later, dinner was ready just in time when Zoey came down. Her sweet but subtle scent of greentea shampoo filled the room as she sat down at the table across me.

"Woah, you cooked this?"

"Well yes, is it hard to believe?"

She smiled, grabbing a slice of the roasted chicken she eats it with a surprised look on her face.

"Dude, what the fucking beauty is this," she gasped as she eats up.

I laughed at her remark and watched her eat. I've always loved women who knows not to waste food and eats what ever she wants when she wants it.

After cleaning up the dishes, we decided to watch some movies over her couch before calling it a night. I went over to choose the movie as she spreads a blanket over the couch with pillows making it as comfortable as possible. Taking a bowl of popcorn, we sat down side by side as we watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

"Seriously, Aiden? Transformers?"

"What? You're the one who asked me to pick. It's my favorite anyway."

She sighed slightly, "Okay fine, as long as it is not some human slicing and butchering each other."

Halfway towards the movie, I felt a heavy body leaning towards me and looked down to see her fallen asleep.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around her pulling her closer to me, inhaling her scent as her head rest on my chest.

"You just don't realize how beautiful and how much you mean to me, Zoey," I whispered softly as I tighten my arms around her, never wanting to let go.

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