One: Define Beauty

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Some say beauty starts within yourself and it will shine through. But what really is the definition of beauty? Others define the beauties having beautiful skin, big boobs, slim figure, perfectly tanned skin and the list goes on. One thing I am definitely sure of, I don't fit in any of those categories.

I am a horrific mess. Oily hair, a face resembling the moons' crater, rolls of fats and not forgetting my obsession for pizza which is just undeniable and explains why I had to wear clothes triple the size of the Kardashians combined altogether. I was not entirely ugly, well that is what I thought before stepping out of the shower and stood naked in front of the mirror wondering was I crazy to even think I was close to looking normal.

Truth be told, I was a nobody and it felt good for a while and honestly I enjoyed the loneliness but sometimes too much is just not good and I long to be in a relationship, knowing I have someone who I can run to with my pizza when I need a cuddle, go on dates to a fancy restaurant or preferably a buffet. I want to have someone who would go the distance for me, a man who could sweep me off my feet with just one stare. 

Okay, that's cheesy Z staphhh. No man would ever want a fat ugly girl like me.

I weighed over 200 pounds with a height of slightly over 5ft and wore dresses size extra extra large with fats all over the place; tummy, arms, thighs, hips, breast, face probably some on my bones too. My life's pathetic but everyone else thought differently. To them I was the bubbliest young woman that could light up their world with my horrible jokes and the confident one who stands up for innocent people.  

Working with Michael Kale was a dream come true. He was the man who changed the fashion world into something that no one would ever thought of because he was ahead of time and it's not a surprise that he was nominated as the best of the best in fashion world. I met him during one of his fashion shows where my friend dragged me to go to when I was planning on laying in bed watching Netflix while eating a tub of ice cream. He practically made me run towards Kale, persuading me to show my sketches of dresses to him. 

I've been into fashion since I knew about Barbie's which made me fall in love with her fashion, I was a kid back then so don't laugh. And there I was standing in front of the man who sells the lowest price of his clothes at $1500. That was the cheapest you can find from his store. After introducing myself to Kale with shaky hands I gave him my sketch book and he flipped through it with interest in his eyes as he studied each sketches meticulously. I was surprised he even took some time to look at it even though I knew there was no fucking way in hell he would accept me to work for him when he suddenly said, 

"I love these. How much do you want for your salary?" 

I was shock. "Wh...what? Are you serious Mr. Kale?"

He chuckled, "Serious as I ever could be dear. You can start working tomorrow. Do give your details to my assistant. See you dear," he gave me a hug before leaving. The rest was history. That was 5 years ago and now I'm helping Kale with his clothing line and he was the best boss you could ever wish for; strict yet gentle and he treated each one of us like his own family and I was paid well and sometimes would get bonus thrice a year. He never had a wife or kids but he said he didn't need one because he already had a family here with us and that made us love and respect him more than ever. 

"Z, could you help me with these zippers? I can't reach it," Gwen called out as she walked over to me.

I nodded and helped her zip the back of the red-blood dress which looked stunning on her fair skin, reaching her knees revealing her slim toned legs from all those hours she spent in the gym. I couldn't last for even 10 minutes working out when all I could think of while running on the treadmill was fried korean chicken with the spicy glaze and steam seeping out when you bite into the crunchy skin oh God I'm salivating just thinking about it. 

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