Dreams do come true.

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Zoey's POV:

Someone please tell me that I'm dreaming right now. This is just a dream. Right?

"Zoey, you're okay? You look kinda pale," Aiden looked at me with that worry in his eyes.

I nod my head, "I'm good. Just a little surprised I guess," I gave him an assuring smile.

His face relaxed a little and he lead me towards the backstage so I could calm down a little but a voice froze me in place. I turned to look at Aiden who was gasping in horror towards the crowd and that was when I saw her. The lady who kissed Aiden back when we were on holiday. 

Seriously someone tell me what the hell is going on this time.

"You promised you'll marry me Aiden. Please don't tell me you're marrying this-" she paused and looked at me from head to toe, "-peasant. I'm way better than her. You're joking, aren't you?"

My blood was boiling with rage and instinct told me to take my heels off and throw it right into her porcelain face but I kept a calm composure. Aiden reached out for my hand and stepped forward, "Joan, you may be pretty and you definitely have the status and loads of money as well. Does that make me want to marry you over Zoey? Hell no" she gasped in shock as Aiden continues, "You see, Zoey has the qualities that you don't. She's the kindest, patient, strong, down to earth and the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on and Joan please don't disrespect her. She's soon going to be my wife and I wouldn't like someone talking down to my fiancee. I'm very sorry everyone for the inconvenience caused tonight"

My heart melted and I was speechless for a moment. I gave him a kiss on the cheek whispering a soft thank you as he kissed my hands. We were lost in our moment when all of a sudden everyone in the hall stood up and gave us a round of applause. I felt myself being wrapped into a hug in the arms of the man I'm crazily falling in love with, not wanting the moment to die. Aiden held my hand and we walked down the stage this time towards Aiden's parents. I could not read their faces making me feel unsure how they felt about having their only child to get married with someone like me. "Mom, dad. I'm sorry if this too much for both of you to take in but I love Zoey and wouldn't want to trade her for anyone else."

His parents were silent for a moment and looked at me. Finally his mom spoke up, "Aiden, you know how much your father and I loves you. If she makes you happy, then we are happy for you." Aiden and I were utterly shocked and happy with her remark. He gave her a hug, "Thanks mom, dad. I love you guy."

"We love you too Aiden," said his dad. "Zoey, do take care of our son with much love and if he ever breaks your heart, come find us and we'll have a talk with him," Mr Anderson winked and we laughed when Aiden rolled his eyes. I was glad and finally at peace having his parent's blessings. 

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