Five: Coffee or Tea?

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Zoey's pov:
I woke up to the sound of someone snoring softly next to me. Ow, that hurts, as I massaged my neck for bending too long. Looking up to my right, there Aiden was sound asleep. Not until now have I ever seen his face close up as I take in every detail of his features. I watched as his chest moved in sync with his breath, his subtle snoring coming out from his soft parted lips and his perfectly sculptured nose. He's just too perfect for me. As if reading my mind, he stirred and slowly opened his eyes. When he saw that I was awake, he smiled, "Good morning, beautiful." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. I blushed and pushed him away softly.

"Dude, you stink," I wrinkled my nose.

"Hmmm I know I smell good. Wanna sniff?" he pulled his shirt towards me.

"Eww no!" he laughed as I ran away to the bathroom and quickly took a bath. I'm not gonna skip another day of work. 30 minutes later, I was ready to head downstairs, wearing my white almost see through blouse and a pencil skirt.

"Damn woman, you're looking hot," I jumped as Aiden chuckled behind me wearing nothing but only a towel hanging at his waist. I stared at his abs but quickly looked away, my cheeks definitely blushing hard.

"Baby, don't stare too long or you might fall for me," he whispered behind my ear before going in to change. My ears were probably red too from embarrassment as I walk down towards the kitchen to get my breakfast ready. As soon as he reached the kitchen, I've done making pancakes with strawberries and maple syrup and two glass of tea for both of us.

"This smells good and taste amazing," he said before galloping down his pancakes.

Jeez, I thought as I laughed quietly at this hungry beast in front of me while sipping on my warm tea.

"I made you tea, if you don't mind," I said as he took a sip from his tea.

He nodded, "That's fine. Not a fan of coffee anyway."

"You're kidding me, I hate coffees too," I replied quiet surprised.

"That's good, we really are a match from heaven," he grinned showing his dimples on both side of his cheeks.

I shaked my head and stood up to clean the plates but was caught off guard when a pair of arms hugged me from behind, his arms resting below my breasts. I hate it when people touch any parts of my body especially my tummy area where all fats united.

"Oh Zoey, you look so sexy and tempting from behind and I could just do you here on this counter but no, that can wait," he said before kissing my head and went out to get the car ready.

That man sure knows how to make a woman sweat and hearts galloping wild.

"Hello my darling, how are you feeling today?" asked Mr Kale as soon as I reached the office.

I gave him my best smile and said, "Good morning Mr Kale, I'm fine thank you for asking."

"That's good. Don't you need extra rest? You can have a few days off if you want to, you've worked hard Zoey darling."

"That's okay, I'm really fine but thank you for the offer. Maybe next time," I said as he smiled knowingly and let me continue with my work.

I sighed silently as I look at all the unfinished drawings for the upcoming project which is happening in less than 2 months. Although it was tiring, I'm glad that I am able to do what I love as a profession and not just as a hobby. As I was halfway through my work, someone knocked on my door, "Come in," I said as I continued my work without looking up.

"You need to relax," as a pair of hands massage my shoulders. As much as I wanted to get him away, it was too good to let go. I succumbed to his hands as they massaged my neck and shoulders, releasing the tensions in my muscles. After what seems for like 10 minutes he finally stopped, "How's that?"

"Refreshing. Thanks Aiden, didn't know you have great skills," I praised him honestly.

He grinned widely, satisfied with my answer, "I used to massage my mother whenever she did that tensed face like yours, while doing her paperwork."

He's just so cute sometimes. "You don't have any work?" I asked.

"Nope, but I have a meeting later at 3. You're free for lunch?"

"Are you asking me out for a lunch date, Aiden?" I asked with my eyebrow lifted one side.

"Don't be foolish, it's just lunch. I'll meet you downstairs," he waved as he went out without waiting for my reply.


"So how's work?" he asked after ordering our lunch.

"It's tiring but I'm good. You?" I sipped my lemon drink.

"Not much but tired from too much thinking."

"What's bothering?"


I almost choked on my drink as he uttered the word, I was able to ask him, "Why?"

"I want to know what your feelings are, Zoey. You're leaving me hanging here."

I was speechless, my mind was racing with so many thoughts especially with, why me?

"You want to know the truth?" I asked.

"Yes, but before that may I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Go on a date with me."

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