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"The jury has made their decision, Mr Zishan Malik is charged guilty, with a sentencing of three months in jail for harassment, three months for abuse, three months for smuggling stolen weapons into Pakistan, and three years for a setup of an illegal workplace," The judge banged his gavel on the wood and stood up. "Case closed,"

I wrung my hands and sighed in relief.

It was over.

Abba had set a case with the court, just a few weeks later. Thankfully he was charged guilty.

"C'mon, we're gonna be late!" Abba yelled from the car.

I smiled and walked out of the court, picked up my hand luggage and we were off.

You guessed it, back to Britain.

Nadia passed over some chips and I took a handful for me and Aliah.

We reached the airport. Abba was getting the luggage out and Mariah, Alana and Ammi had already gone up.

"Let's go jam," Nadia smiled.

I nodded and stepped forward. "Wait!" I remembered.

The girls looked at me, confused. Staring at my emerald ring determinedly, I said bismillah, read the four kuls and slipped it off.

It fell to the floor with a soft "ping," I watched the gem glint in the watery sun.

I had done it.

It was gone.

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