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A/N: This is set after the events in The Avengers but I have decided to keep Agent Coulson alive (Simply because he is amazing) so he will feature in this :) Hope you guys like!


As she repeatedly hit the bag, throwing punch after punch at the solid object in front of her, she didn’t feel ashamed to let the tears fall. She had a right to cry. She had a right to be upset. She had lost everything. Everyone she cared about, everything she knew, was gone. She was alone. And it was all her fault. In frustration, she swung her fist back, letting it connect with the bag, splitting it in half, and hearing the satisfaction of the thump of the leather and its sand on the floor, she let herself collapse onto the floor, gasping for breath as her body realized how much work it had just been put through.

While she sat hunched over on the floor, the feeling that she was being watched took over her, and a glance out the window confirmed this. This wasn’t the first time she had seen someone in the area outside the small flat that was serving as her home until she worked things out. She knew she was being watched. Only problem was, she didn’t know whom by, and she didn’t know why. And that worried her. A month ago she wouldn’t have thought anything of it. Her dad always had strange guys following him around. But now that she thought about it, maybe that wasn’t something she should have thought nothing of.

Curious, and downright annoyed as to why she was being surveyed, she pulled on a loose tank top over her crop top, and pulled her long brown hair into a loose bun on the top of her head. Ignoring the movement from outside, she slid her small handgun and knife into the side of her boot, and pushed open her side door quietly. Holding her body close to the wall, she slid around the side of the house, ducking behind one of the trees before pulling herself onto one of the branches. Below her stood a man dressed in black, a phone held to his ear. She silently slipped off the branch, coming to stand behind him. She waited until he had hung up the phone, still unaware she was there, until she spoke.

“If you’re going to spy on me, you probably shouldn’t stand in such an obvious place.” She kept her tone light, but the minute she spoke the man had spun around, gun at the ready and aimed at her head. It took her less than a second to reach for her own gun, and soon both of them were standing defensively, guns held at the ready.

He was the first to drop his weapon upon realizing whom it was standing in front of him.

“Eleanor Lucas. I’m sorry for the secrecy… and the gun. We were expecting someone else.” Eleanor’s demeanor didn’t change.

“Who are you?” She hissed, not changing her stance.

“My apologies, where are my manners? I am Agent Coulson, with S.H.I.E.L.D. And we require you to come with us, for your protection.”

A Sense of Belonging - An Avengers Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now