Chapter 3

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Enjoy guys :)


I didn't notice that was I was shaking until Steve pointed it out to me as we walked down the hall to the command room, worry strewn across both of the men's faces. To be perfectly honest I was terrified. I was finally starting to realize what a mess I was in, and how I have no idea how I'm going to get out of it. I was being held on a S.H.I.E.L.D ship above New York, with a group of people I had heard countless stories about after the events that happened last year, a group of people I didn't know personally, and yet I was already starting to become attached to two of them. I have no idea what Fury has in stall for me, but I know if he thinks my father betrayed him then it can't be any good.

Regarding my father, I had this sinking feeling in my gut that Fury was probably right, and my father had done something he shouldn't have about two years ago. I never knew the full story of my dad's job, only that it was dangerous, classified, and required him to leave with short notice for weeks at a time. Mum and I were always sick with worry, half the time not having any contact with him. Then around two years ago, it changed. We got a call from him saying he had quit his job and joined a new firm, working against his old job. In the years following that, we saw him a total of 4 times. Then, 3 months ago, him and mum were killed in a shooting not far from my house. I don't think I'm ready to realize the truth yet ... I'm still hoping for the fact that it's just a very bad dream.

The command room was filled with rows of computers and agents, with glass windows all around what I assumed to be the front of the ship. In front of where the three of us stood was a large table, with half the seats filled with the rest of the Avengers team. Clint and Steve immediately went and sat down, and not long after Fury walked through the doors, moving to the head of the table. I just stood awkwardly in the doorway, fiddling with my hands and keeping my gaze anywhere but at the people sitting at the table. Then Fury cleared his throat.

"Eleanor? Would you like to take a seat?" He asked, and I forced myself to meet his gaze. Swallowing my fear and forcing myself to be strong, I gave him a curt nod before slipping into a seat next to Hawkeye and, bracing myself for the worst, I lifted my gaze to meet those belonging to the heroes in front of me.

Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a The Black Widow was the first to her feet, as I expected, and before I realised her hand was grabbing my wrist, her nails digging into the skin painfully.

"Fury! What the hell are you playing at?" She hissed accusingly at the Director, her gaze never leaving mine.

"Natasha! Let her go!" Clint called out, trying again when her posture didn't change. "Tash?" I flinched as small flecks of red blood began appearing on my skin, and pulled my arm back, swinging a kick to her side and pulling myself away from her. My struggle picked up when a pair of strong arms snuck around me, holding me tight, but I relaxed when I realised it was Steve, and watched on as Clint also restrained Natasha.

"What the hell was that?" A new voice, one I hadn't heard before... Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist, or very simply Iron Man. Both of us just glared at him, and he stood back, raising his hands in a mock sign of apology. The tension in the room grew as Fury stepped forward, anger on his face.

"Yes, I'm in agreeance with Stark. Agent Romanoff, would you care to explain what the hell that just was?!" The room was silent beside the constant click of fingers on keyboards, as we waited for an explanation.

"One year ago she tried to kill me." Eyes flickered to me, and I didnt deny it, dropping my gaze once again to the ground. "I wanted to finish the job," she spat at me.

"I didn't have a choice," I whispered, feeling everyone's eyes on me. "I was fighting for my life. I didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry."

"Can someone explain in more detail please?" Tony asked, his gaze shifting between us two girls.

"One year ago I was on a mission in Italy. I had just wrapped up, when I realised I was being followed. Next thing I know a little girl was shooting at me. I didnt think, I just shot back. She disappeared, and no matter how hard I searched for her, I couldn't find where she had gone. I had a name, and a photo, but not a place." Natasha explained the events very differently to what I remembered.

"I was shooting because I had no choice. I thought you were my enemy. I was wrong. I paid for it, and I'm sorry. My father ...." I trailed off, not wanting to continue.

"Your father what, Miss Lucas?" Director Fury asked, but I was cut off by Agent Romanoff before I could answer, a pit of fear growing in my gut as my gaze flickered to Agent Clint Barton.

"Lucas? Her last name isn't Lucas!" Natasha spoke. "I may never have located her, but I know who she is. Her name isn't Eleanor Lucas, it's Eleanor Barton."


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